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     Her alarm started to go off, pulling Callas out of her dream state and back into reality. With a soft groan, she rolled over to her side, placing her hand lazily onto her alarm to turn it off, her eyes still shut. She knew she had to open them at some point, but in that moment of time, she wasn't ready. It was Monday, the first day she would be attending La Push High School. She really hoped she wouldn't get lost, or stick out like a sore thumb. That's the one thing she didn't overly like about starting a new school, being the centre of attention, especially if she had nowhere to hide.

     Callas slowly opened her eyes, staring at her father's black flight jacket that still hung on the wardrobe door knobs. Her room was one out of the four that were upstairs, along with Reed's and the two bathrooms. Reed decided to let Callas have the room with the ensuite, claiming that she needed more privacy than he did. She wasn't one to complain about that. Her bedroom resided at the back of the house that overlooked the garden, but it wasn't really a garden, it was more of an open space that led to the forest. All the houses down the small road pretty much shared the same garden as there were no fences to separate them.

     She sat up, rubbing her eyes before she looked at her, almost, finished room. The floors were a semi-dark oak colour while the walls were a cream colour. Opposite her large bed, she had a bay window, Anya had left some cushions on it for her along with a round knitted pouf on the floor. Callas was sure that the area had been an extension on the house, as the middle of the room from the window to the bed had come into the room about one-quarter of the way on each side, leaving the window area to be slightly smaller than the rest of the room. Although both walls that came in were slightly indented with book shelves, which Callas had been happy about.

     Either side of her bed she had old wooden bedside tables. At the end of her bed, there was an end chest with even more books inside, ones that didn't fit on the shelves. Just before the smaller area of her room, in the corner, on the left-hand side she had a desk, an upholstered old chair that Silas probably hoarded and couldn't get rid of, she still needed to set up her computer, but it was still in the trailer outside. On the right-hand side, in the other corner, opposite the desk, there was a built-in wardrobe, with her bedroom door closer to the other side of the right-hand wall, while her bathroom door was on the left-hand side along the wall of her bed.

     She remembered that her father once told her that Silas had designed the house for Anya when they first got married, which Callas thought was very sweet of him. But as they were much older now, and struggled to get up the stairs like they used to, they moved their room to one of the downstairs rooms near the back left-hand side of the house. Which made it easier for them to get around, as they didn't necessarily need to go up the stairs to any of the rooms.

     Her alarm went off again, making her jump. She turned it off, it was only six in the morning, but she wanted to have a shower before she left for school. She, reluctantly, got out of her warm bed, shivering as the cold air nipped at her skin. With her eyebrows furrowed, she looked towards the window, it was open again. Deciding that she'd rather not freeze in the cold weather, that the late autumn of La Push had to offer, she quickly walked over and closed it, making sure to lock it before she opened the blackout curtains to let the light in, leaving the lace curtains closed.

     As she turned back around, she picked up the towels Anya had left on the end chest, walking towards the bathroom to have a well-needed shower. With her eyes closed, she enjoyed the warmth of the water running down her cold body, it was at times like this that she wished she had Reed's abnormal body heat. Maybe she should find a heater, or at least get the lock on the window checked out because she was certain that she had locked it and left it closed before she went to bed. She never remembered opening it in the first place, it was too cold for her to even want to.

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