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     It was the end of forth period. Callas was stuck inside the Maths classroom as her teacher droned on about the homework—which she hadn't done at all. Embry had been waiting outside of Callas's Maths classroom for her, he was sitting on the ground with his legs bent up, his arms resting on the tops of his knees. When the bell went, Callas quickly packed up her bag, not wanting to listen to the teacher talk for any longer than she had been, putting her flight jacket on as she walked to the door. Just as Callas stepped out of the classroom, Embry stood up, smiling at her, she raised her eyebrows with a smile before following him out the front doors of the school. A few other students ended around this time as well. Callas would usually be getting a ride home with Silas, but she had called him up during her cancelled Biology lesson and told him not to bother, Embry would be dropping her off. Anya overheard and got very excited about the prospect of Embry asking her out on more dates if this one went well. It took almost half an hour for Anya to calm down and let Callas hang up and get on with some work.

Embry pulled keys out of his pocket and unlocked the truck next to Jacobs. Callas raised an eyebrow, questioningly. "I didn't know you had a truck."

"It's my mum's, she was very adamant that this went well. So, she hid my bike from me."

"Maybe your mum and Anya should get together sometime. It's all she spoke about during my free."

He turned his head to her. "I didn't know you had a free today."

"Yeah, Biology was cancelled because her sister was getting married or something like that." She waved her hand and got into the passenger's side.

"Founds like fun."

Callas hummed, then something dawned on her, "If your mum has a truck, then why didn't you take this the night you came over to my house?"

"I'm pretty sure my mum would have woken up, you know, crazy mum hearing and all. I thought my bike would have been the quieter option. But considering that I got caught anyway, I probably could have taken the truck."

"I still can't believe that you rode your bike to my house and night for a ten-minute conversation." Callas shook her head with a light laugh.


Callas smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Because it's such a spontaneous thing to do."

Embry shrugged. "I didn't mind risking my life, on my bike at night, to go see you."

A blush drew over her face as he started up the truck, reversing out of the parking lot and driving towards the cafe. Embry didn't seem to process what he had just said to her with much thought. Callas bit her lip with a smile, no one had ever 'risked their life' to go see her, even if it was just for a few minutes, and even then, the conversation wasn't based on them but rather her best friend. It was only ten-past-one by the time they left the school. Embry turned up the heating slightly, glancing over at Callas, who was staring out the window at the trees. A smile rose to his lips as one formed on hers. Callas had only ever been along the road when they were driving back from the beach. Embry wasn't sure if he should put the radio on or just sit in silence. He was never usually this nervous, but thankfully Callas broke the silence.

"Is cliff diving really a thing?"

"What do you mean?"

Callas turned to look at him. "I mean, do people still do it around here?"

"Yeah." He nodded, glancing at her before looking back at the road. "The guys and I go every now and again. Why?"

She shrugged. "My dad used to talk about it, he said he missed the La Push's cliffs because they were the best to dive from. Bit of an adrenaline junkie, if you ask me."

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