36| ALONE?

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Wednesday with Henry was definitely something Callas needed. Surprisingly, Henry's dad knew exactly where they were, he even offered to drop Callas off, despite her claiming that she could bike home. Mr Blanchard just laughed to himself and shook his head, taking the key for the lock from her, unchaining her bike before he placed it on the back of his car. He even asked how Reed was doing—more than likely becoming some sort of friend to her older brother. Callas had to lie straight through her teeth, making up some excuse as to where he was and why he wasn't answering the phone. Henry sat in the back with her, although she said he didn't have to, he insisted. When Mr Blanchard pulled up outside of her house, he quickly took her bike from the back, handing it over when she got out of the car. She thanked him for the ride and made her way around the side of the house, balancing her bike up against the wall of the house, waving goodbye to Henry and his dad as she unlocked the side door, stepping into the empty house.

Almost immediately, her phone buzzed. Without hesitation, she pulled her phone out of her pocket, expecting either Anya or Henry to have sent her a text. She had pretty much given up on the boys and Reed at that point. Zeus had bounded his way down the stairs, jumping up as he greeted her before she had time to check the message on her phone. She petted his head before he jumped down, sniffing around her. He followed her up the stairs and to her bedroom. Callas quickly got dressed into her pyjama's, almost forgetting that she took her phone out for a reason. She sat down on her bed, with Zeus laying behind her panting heavily. Her phone buzzed again as she unlocked it, another text coming through. She clicked on the first message, it was Henry. He was talking about how his dad was impressed with the condition of the old truck, that was parked next to Reed's Jeep, underneath the shelter, next to the house where she had left her bike. She shook her head with a smile before she opened the other text, her screen jumped with a small glitch—which wasn't normal—before the unknown message popped up:

Well, isn't this something? Our poor little Callas is left all alone in the big, empty house. Now, I would, under better circumstances, or just a generally different circumstance, quote the three little pigs with the huffing and the puffing and the blowing of the house down. But now it just seems ill fitting. Which is odd, because I don't care about any of that. You know, I'm getting off track. Are you okay? I saw you almost plummet off the side of the cliff... If you haven't already guessed it, I don't entirely care about your well-being as such. Well, I do, in a way. You're important to me, in some odd defying way, but other than that, as long as you aren't dead, then you're fine. Well, relatively. I don't exactly like sending messages this way, you can't tell if I'm sarcastic or not, and that's my charm. Anywho, you should get some sleep, you have a big event coming up on Friday. You're still going with the mutt, aren't you? I'm sure you are. Maybe not. You can't see me but I shrugged... Next time I'll see you in person. Sweet dreams, Callas.

She turned the screen off immediately, turning around to face the window. Whoever it was—whoever or whatever the Wight was—it must have been watching her. The curtains were closed and she couldn't see anything outside, which most likely meant that whatever was outside couldn't see her either. Callas put her phone on charge, getting up slowly. She walked over to her desk, unlocking the draw with the police file. Her hands skimmed over the folder before she picked it up and closed the draw. After turning around to face the bathroom, making sure nothing weird or supernatural was possibly lurking behind the door—although she wouldn't mind if she found Castiel back there, maybe he'd vanquish the Wight—she turned to walk out of her room. It was a better time than any to put the file back in Reed's room. Zeus had got up and followed her, obviously not liking the fact that Silas wasn't around anymore, or anyone else for that matter, so he enjoyed the company. Reed's door was closed, the police file was pulled against Callas's chest as she hugged it tighter, her forehead was pressed against the wood of his door.

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