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     After Monday, Callas told Embry that he should go home and spend time with his mum, rather than stay at her house. Embry, reluctantly, agreed, of course, and asked Jacob to pick him up from Callas's house after he had dropped her off with the keys to the Jeep. He made her promise to call him if she needed anything, she said she would, but it was obviously a lie, she couldn't ask so much from him—after all, he already spent so much time with her. Which left her alone in an empty house. It was unusually quiet the first night, but she ignored it the second night. The only reason why it had been as bearable as it had been was because of Henry and a few of the boys that kept her centered with gravity. Sure, she was alone, but she was still able to text Henry as he did a live commentary of the shows he was watching, sometimes he would FaceTime just so Callas had a bit of background noise as she worked on her computer.

Although she had constantly checked her phone to see if Reed had joined the living and responded to her, the only messages she received were from Henry, Embry, Seth, Quil, and Anya. Her hope in him began to dwindle and she wasn't sure for how much longer she could take it, even though she knew he was alive. Anya had been keeping her updated on Silas continually throughout the days. Callas tried to keep a straight face as she had biked home after her last lesson on Tuesday, but it was getting harder to pretend that everything was okay. Callas decided to skip the last lesson on Wednesday, going to the cafe after her second period. She had brought her bike to school, chaining it up beside Jacobs motorbike—which he surprisingly didn't comment on as he watched her lock it up and walk straight into school. It was as if the boys were ignoring her now instead of it being the other way around. After she told them to keep her updated and find out more about Reed, they had also decided to drop off the face of the Earth—but in a different way.

She still saw them during the day, but they weren't telling her anything that she wanted to know. It stung. They were the only ones who seemed to know anything about Reed and his well-being, but they were keeping it away from her, despite her need to know about it in order for her to stay afloat. Soon enough, Quil had stopped texting her completely, he didn't bother keeping up a casual conversation—that didn't revolve around Reed—with her. Seth seemed to be struggling as well as of the past day or two. The only constant string of messages came from Henry and Anya, occasionally Embry—but it would be pushing it to say that he was, in fact, keeping her updated like he promised he would. Sam must have told them to knock it off, to ignore her and push her away. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been this difficult for her to get a word out of them. Whenever she was with Henry it was as if the boys and herself were two ends of different magnets—only repelling each other instead of attracting—which made it harder for her to try and talk to them.

Callas decided that maybe it was for the best, not texting them, at least. Henry was still in school when she decided to leave. Making sure that no one was watching, she pushed open the front doors of the school and made her way down the steps. Her eyes were already glued to her bike as she walked over. She fumbled with the lock for a few seconds before it clicked, unlocking her bike from the chain—that she shoved into her bag. The metal of the bike felt almost frozen, the sharp air had made it painful to touch. Callas let out a sigh as she got on her bike, slowly pedalling out of the parking lot and to the right, towards the beach, towards the cafe. Electing to have not pulled out her phone to have music playing was a decision that she wasn't sure was a good or a bad one. The ride was silent, and a lot longer than what it would have been if she had got a lift from someone—but the only people she knew that could drive were M.I.A. in her life, despite being as close as a single desk separating them from her.

With the shake of her head, she began to pedal faster. All she wanted to do was disappear for a little while, where no one would find her. Just so she could scream at the top of her lungs that life screwed her over and it wasn't fair. What could she have possibly done that made her life this bad? Was losing both of her parents not enough? Did it have to take away Silas and Reed too? Whatever it was, she wanted to get her hands on it, tie it up and set fire to it, watching as the flames flickered and burnt 'fate' and 'destiny' straight into the ground, down to hell where they came from. All life had ever done was hurt her, she didn't want any of it anymore. If that wasn't bad enough, the sky above her slowly formed a darkening cloud, the air became static as small bursts of electricity crackled in the air. Thunder and lightning. Which, would mean rain as well. Just when she wasn't prepared for it. Of course. But she didn't dare look up, she kept her gaze forward as a loud bang sounded from the heavens above her and the sky opened up. The rain that fell felt like small knives slicing into her skin, sharp blades of glass pelting her skin—although that could have been the hail stones.

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