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La Push High School wasn't that far of a drive. Reed had moved the trailer out by the barn on Sunday after he took out majority of the boxes—which were either in the living room or along the hallway upstairs. He still needed to bring out the slightly more heavier boxes at some point, including his motorbike. He said he might be able to find scrap parts in town, or he might tag along with Silas to visit Billy to see if they had any spare parts. Silas had mentioned that Jacob was into the whole 'restoring and refurbishing old vehicles' thing, so there was that. Callas recommended that it could be something he and Jacob do together, considering Reed didn't have all the tools he needed as he left them at the old house.

While driving, Reed noticed the flight jacket in Callas's hand, but didn't mention anything about it, he thought that they had left it back at the old house with some of their father's other old possessions that they didn't take with them. Although it was a difficult thing to do, leaving old memories of their father back at the old house for the new people to possibly sell or get rid of, it meant that they got a fresh start. Besides, neither of them thought that they really needed a singing mounted fish. Whatever the reason their father claimed to have behind the purchase of the fish was still unknown to them.

He looked over to Callas, who was already reading a new book that Anya had left out for her and smiled to himself. He was glad that he didn't have to deal with a younger sibling who was freaking out about going to a new high school. A place where nothing happened apart from having to endure a couple of P.E. lessons every week. He knew Callas to be, in some measure, a social butterfly. So, she was bound to make at least one friend by the end of the day, that was, if she looked up from her book at least once. Reed wanted to tell her that she could easily read it during a free, but he knew she would just read it anyway out of spite.

Reed pulled up to the parking lot of the high school and turned to look at Callas, he rolled his eyes when he noticed that she wasn't aware of her surroundings, still engrossed in her book. Luckily, he parked up, rather than taking up space in the unloading bay, even though the high school was fairly small. Which wasn't a surprise given the fact that not many people went to the school unless they lived on the Reservation or very close by. He rubbed his face with a groan before he took the book from her, bookmarking the page, and shoved it in her bag. He looked at her, her hands were still in the position they were when she was reading it.

"I wasn't done, Reed," she spoke dryly.

"Well, we're here. So, for now, you are, until you get inside and get your schedule and map, if they really think you'll need one. I mean, this place isn't that big. Forks High School was bigger, and even that was small."

He looked towards the building with squinted eyes, he never remembered it being so small all those times they drove past it when they lived in La Push before. Although, when he really thought about it, he was smaller back then, so it shouldn't have come to a surprise to him to see the high school the size that it was. He looked back over to Callas, she was putting the flight jacket on as it was raining slightly outside. She checked her bag, making sure she had everything before looking back up to Reed with a smile.

Callas placed her hand on the door handle before glancing back at him. "I'll see you later." Reed nodded at her, watching her step out of the Jeep.

"Remember that Gramps is picking you up," he called out to her just before the door slammed shut.

He watched her walk around the front of the Jeep, towards the main entrance, she looked over to him one last time with a wave before disappearing through the front door. Reed breathed out, at least now he knew that she had got inside without tripping over or taking her book back out to read. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards the highway that would take him to Forks. He was only around twenty minutes away from Callas's school when he was in Forks, so it wasn't like he was very far away if Callas needed him for anything.

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