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Reed—just like he said he would—picked Callas up from school and drove her to Forks. He seemed rather excited now that they were actually going to look for running clothes. The radio played the same six songs repeatedly in a quiet hum as they neared the running shop. As Reed pulled up, she could see that the parking lot was filled with cars. It wasn't that much of a surprise, most of the tourists drove through Forks to get to their destination, so they'd have to stop off somewhere to buy whatever it was that they needed. Next door to the running shop there was an outdoor centre, small tents and surfboards were positioned outside.

Callas got out of the Jeep and stretched, the twenty-minute drive from school to the running shop left her body stiff and tired. She followed Reed towards the shop doors, stopping as he paused in front of the surfboards outside the outdoor centre, she smirked to herself knowing he would probably want to go back at some point to get things for when the weather was a bit better. Callas wanted to see what was inside, maybe she'd get some camping things—that was if Silas didn't already have some in the barn.

The running shop had two floors, Reed was stuck as to which one he wanted to go to first. "Shoes, Reed." Callas pointed out the bottom left-hand corner. "You need running shoes."

"Right, forgot about that." He nodded to himself, walking over to get seen by one of the workers.

Callas took that time to look around, maybe she'd find something to wear for her P.E. lessons. She walked upstairs and looked around the clothing section. She went straight towards the long-sleeved shirts and running trousers, trying to pick out the plainest ones, not liking the bright colours or patterns too much. Her phone buzzed a couple of times, catching her off guard, she let go of one of the price tags and dug her phone out of her pocket. Five new messages:

Hey, Cally. Sorry about responding so late. When I got home my dad took me out for dinner, he said he had something to talk to me about. Anyway, I ended up getting food poisoning and it was pretty bad. It had nothing to do with you, so I'm sure you can rest easy knowing that you weren't the culprit to my downfall.

Callas rolled her eyes at Henry's text, smiling to herself before she saw she had another one from him:

Did we get any History homework? Or just homework in general? Sorry about abandoning you today, but I don't think you'd want me to throw up on you. I might be in on Monday, but I'll see how I feel.

The other three texts were from Embry. Callas' heart fluttered slightly when she saw his name flash up on her phone. She bit her lip with a smile as she opened the messages:

Yo, Calvin!

No, I meant Calum!

Wait autocorrect. I meant calcium!

Callas laughed to herself before she saw him typing again:

My god.

Why can't my phone just get your name right?

There was a pause as Embry continued to type something out. It took a while so she put her phone away and looked towards more of the clothes. She was thankful that Reed had found the place, the clothes were of much better quality than the ones she had already. Her phone buzzed again, she took it out and read Embry's message:

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