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Before anyone could say anything to her, Callas shook her head and handed her phone over to Reed, forcing a smile at him. He noticed that she was trying to hold back her tears as she brushed passed the rest of the boys and slowly made her way up the stairs of the porch and into the house. It was silent amongst the boys, bar the sound of the crickets that had just emerged as the sun began to set, the faint sound of the water down at the beach—water that was lapping and crashing into the rocks and sand—and the fire that crackled from inside, still burning. Reed called out her name softly as he watched her leave, but she couldn't manage to make out any words as she opened her mouth and closed it again, waving him off. Emily, who was cleaning up the plates from the table, paused and looked up at her, furrowing her eyebrows, not knowing what was going on. Zeus, lifting his head up from the sofa, got up and followed her up the stairs and into the spare bedroom as she pushed the door open and closed it behind herself gently. She slowly pulled the flight jacket off her body and hung it over the back of the desk chair, along with the jumper that she just dropped onto the seat. A sigh escaped her lips as she pulled her boots off, letting them drop down to the floor with a thud before she dragged her feet over to the left side of the bed.

     As she lifted the covers up on her side and got underneath the duvet, the door to the room opened with a light knocking sound. Callas turned her head to the door, her face void of emotion, as Embry poked his head in and smiled lightly. Zeus stepped over Callas to lay down on the edge of the bed, pushing her more towards the middle. Embry stepped into the room and closed the door, he cleared his throat and watched silently as Callas lifted the right corner of the duvet for him. He nodded his head and kicked his trainers off, settling beside her with his back pressed up against the headboard. Callas sighed again and rolled onto her right to lay her head down on his chest, wrapping her arms around him as she stared at the pattern on the duvet covers. The past couple of days had been getting to her, and with everything that was going on, she knew that, had she not been introduced to the supernatural world, she would have asked Reed to admit her into the psychiatric ward, believing that she was simply going insane, and not being stalked by a vampire who seemed to enjoy the slow, agonising form of torture he was forcing her through.

     "Did you read it?" She asked quietly, not moving her head from his chest. "Did you see what Will sent?"

     Embry hummed. "Yeah, yeah I saw it. We all did." He nodded, trying to allow himself to relax into the bed, despite being on edge and worried about Callas. "We won't let anything happen to you. You know that, don't you, Callas?" Embry asked unsurely as he placed his left hand down on her bare left shoulder, rubbing his thumb soothingly across her exposed skin from where her short-sleeved shirt had inched up on her arm.

     She breathed out. "I'm trying to."


     "Look at me," Callas mumbled as she sat up and faced him, sitting on her legs. "I have cuts on my arms and legs from when I tried running away from Will in the forest. I have scrapes on my palms, scabs on my knuckles from God-knows-where. A bruise on my forehead going down to my right eyelid, a-and a cut that was re-opened when Will slammed my head into the island counter. You know, I-I'm trying really hard to believe that you and the others will keep me safe, even when the voice in the back of my mind tells me that I'm just lying to myself, the one t-that tells me to just look in the mirror and realise that nothing and no one will ever be able to keep me safe. I'm trying really hard to ignore it, Em, I-I'm trying. But I have limits."

     "I know you do," he whispered, brushing a strand of her hair that shifted in front of her face as she spoke behind her ear. "I'll do better next time, I promise."

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