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The spare bedroom at Emily's overlooked the forest. It was still dark out and there was a faint glow from the moon that iced the tops of the trees—it was faint, from where the window was along the wall, but it was still noticeable. Callas sat down at the small writing table, in the room, with her laptop in front of her. No one had said anything to her when Jacob had turned up, they only looked at him in silence, which annoyed her to the point where she couldn't even stand to be in the same room as any of them. The duffle bag, that Reed had brought up while she was outside talking to Emily, was filled with her clothes and left on the end of the bed, she had to rifle through a few pairs of her dark baggy ripped jeans, that had been packed for her, before she found her laptop wrapped in an old jumper Reed had grown out of. Her hand hovered over the lit-up keyboard, the Google logo taunted her as she tried to figure out how to get answers of her own. From where she was, with the door slightly ajar, she could hear the others talking downstairs. Maybe it was about her, or maybe it was them coming up with innovative ways of keeping her in the dark. Whatever it was, Callas didn't want to face them just yet. A sigh left her, overly chewed at, lips as she began to type. But, before she could finish and press enter, there was a soft knock at the door. Callas turned her head and watched as Emily walked in with a small plate of food. When she walked over and placed the food down beside Callas, she caught a glimpse at the screen and sat down on the edge of the bed with her hands on her lap. Emily opened her mouth but Callas's faint voice spoke first.

     "I just... wanted answers." She turned her head to look at the laptop. "I've wanted answers for a while now, but all I get are continuous empty looks and sealed lips, you know?" Callas looked back at Emily. "I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore. I mean, I get that they want to look out for me, it's nice and all, but when I was face-to-face with Will... I couldn't help but feel like they were putting me more in harm's way than looking out for me."

     The bedroom light was turned off which left the glow from the laptop screen to highlight Emily's face, even her scars. "They just wanted to protect you, that was their only intention." Emily offered her a warm smile as she placed her left hand on Callas's right knee.

     Callas, who had her left leg tucked up and brought to her chest while she sat on the wooden chair, rested her chin on her knee. "Are they ever going to do it?" She started, her voice croaked due to how quiet she was being. "Tell me the truth, I mean."

     "Reed wants to. So badly. But—"

     "Sam won't let him," there was no malicious spite in her voice as she recalled that sentence for what felt like the millionth time.

     "Yeah, and in order for that to make sense, the reason behind why he can't tell you, they'd have to tell you the truth."

     "It's a giant loophole, Emily." Callas closed her eyes.

     "I know. But once you know, it will be better."

     "Was it better when you found out?"

     "I'm engaged to Sam, aren't I?"

     "I honestly thought you were hypnotised by a magician, forced to stay with him, no offence."

     "You'll come around to him eventually."

     Callas breathed out a quiet laugh. "Is Will really what he says he is? You know, from the legends? A Cold One? Or... a vampire, if that's the correct term?"

     "I wish it wasn't true." Emily squeezed Callas's knee gently.

     There was a comfortable silence between the two of them. Emily's soft touch had somehow made Callas feel less alone, less weighed down by her mind, and it was a pleasant change compared to when it was absent. Callas continued to stare at the corner of the room from where she sat, with her chin still resting on her knee. "Emily?" Callas whispered out.

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