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Reed had dropped Callas off at school, telling her that he would be home early to pick her up, but he would be late home the next day on Thursday. She quickly mentioned how she would be having Henry over after school to work on the History project with her, which Reed was fine with. He was just glad that Callas was making friends. He didn't mention anything about Jacob staying over, he didn't think it was necessary, he trusted Callas to be smart about her decisions. Besides, they wouldn't do anything in the house while everyone else was there, he doubted she saw Jacob in that way to begin with.

He knew that if he mentioned that to her then she would just stare at him and ask him how stupid he thought she was. Callas had a book in her hand, which was extremely normal to Reed now, she was always the one to be reading, no matter where she was. He was planning on taking her to the beach the next week at some point, while having made other plans for Friday. He was excited, mainly because Silas had told him before he left that Billy would be having the bonfire that Friday, and that he would be telling the stories of the legends, obviously to the younger children who were into that sort of thing. So, that was something he was looking forward to.

When Reed pulled up to the parking lot, Callas had already put her book away. Her flight jacket was already in her hand, her bag was over her shoulder as she looked over to him with a smile. Reed noticed the dark, heavy bags under her eyes, and her attempt at covering them up, but he knew her too damn well to think that she wasn't hiding something. He wasn't sure if he should mention it, maybe it had something to do with Jacob being over. But Callas had beaten him to talking first anyway:

"See you later today." She offered him a smile. "Oh, and stay safe at work." She nodded.

"I will, Cal. I will." He moved his right hand to mess with her hair, ruffling it.

She batted his hands away. "I could do with you not doing that, thanks." She laughed just as Reed put his hand back on the wheel.

"I'm your big brother, it's what I do."

"Yeah, along with several equally annoying things."

"Watch it." He pointed at her. "Or you're walking home," he teased.

"Like you could deal with me walking home alone without having the place mapped out with me beforehand." She rolled her eyes.

He pursed his lips. "You got me there."

"No kidding. I own you." She smirked, jokingly. "You're my bitch."

"Do not quote Criminal Minds to me." Reed gave her a look. "I am not Reid, no matter how similar our names are. You're not Garcia either, you can barely work Microsoft word."

"I was quoting Horrible Bosses, but, you know, close enough with your lack of general movie and TV knowledge." She shrugged. Callas opened the Jeep door and stepped out.

"You know I haven't seen that!" Reed yelled as Callas closed the door on him.

He could hear her laughing as she made her way around the front of the Jeep, he shook his head and grumbled. An idea came to his mind as he beeped the horn, making her jump and scream, clutching her chest and flight jacket tightly, he began laughing hysterically, clutching his stomach as he resting his head on the wheel. As he did, the horn went off again causing himself to jump, he clutched his own chest just over his heart, breathing deeply. When he looked over to Callas, she was already laughing as she moved to walk up the steps to the doors.

"It wasn't funny, Cal!" He yelled even though he knew she couldn't hear him. He shook his head before driving off before he got weird stares by other students.

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