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It was eerily quiet. Callas was still wide awake as she looked over to her left towards Jacob, to make sure he was still there. He had his left arm covering his face, his lips were ever-so-slightly parted and his right arm was over his chest. She didn't think that he was very comfortable like that, but he seemed to be okay. Unluckily for her, she wasn't like Jacob, she couldn't sleep. Her mind was beginning to play tricks on her, she felt like she was losing her mind. To make matters worse, her brain was tricking her into believing every sound she heard was real because someone or something was in the room with her. It felt like her heart was hammering through her head, she couldn't deal with it. She definitely couldn't sleep through it.

Every little thing made her jump. The wind, that made the shutters outside smack against the house, made her feel as though her heart stopped beating, her mind was making her believe someone was outside her window. The heavy wind and rain made her panic even more as it picked up and got louder and louder with each second passing as if someone—or something—was out there. It was an old house, so the floorboards were bound to creak, some of the foundations in the extension of the house were bound to move, settling into place with loud groaning noises. Callas brought the blanket up to her chin, hoping, that somehow by doing so, that it would protect her. Although she was never really sure how it could protect her if someone or something was really out there.

The sound of small scratches made her squeeze her eyes shut. It was almost beginning to become painful to keep them closed. It was like something was whispering directly in her ear, telling her to get up and go open the window. The voice wasn't malicious, or in any means 'evil', but the thought that there was a possibility that something—or another spectre of some kind—was out there, made Callas's skin crawl. She couldn't control her own body. It terrified her. All she could do was watch as her body pushed some of the covers back, her feet touched the wooden floorboards softly before she began to move towards the window. Every rational part of her brain screamed at her to go back and stay with Jacob, where it was safe, but the dark part of her mind ignored it, completely taking over.

Her hands shook, her heart raced and her breathing was definitely uneven. She, unwillingly, pulled back the curtains, it was completely dark, apart from a pair of deep ochre red eyes. She wanted to scream, she wanted to run away, she wanted to close the curtains. But none of those things happened. In the darkness, she couldn't see the face of the one with the deep red eyes, but, in some reflection of the moon's rays, she could see the faint outline of sharp white teeth, just like the tall man—or revenant—in her dreams—or nightmares. A white—almost translucent—hand fiddled with the lock, something told her to open it, but she kept mumbling no. Or at least in her mind, she did. The hand shook on the lock even harder. Tears rolled down her face as a voice in her mind screamed at her to open it.

Just like her nightmares, the tall phantom man made her blood run cold. She would always dream that when she opened the window, he would bite her with his inhumanly sharp, white teeth, draining her of her blood. Leaving her as nothing but an empty shell of what she once was, an innocent victim afflicted by nightmares and horrible vivid dreams of the ghastly figure. Like something out of a horror movie. But with the bite came an unimaginable pain, it was like every single bone in her body broke, splintering off, shards of bones would pierce her skin from the inside, stabbing her organs, ripping her open from the inside out. A violent and harsh burning sensation from some sort of chemical, like hydrofluoric acid, would course through her veins, a fire running through her entire body like a burning inferno, licking at her skin.

Her skin around the bite would blister and burn, bubbling with the poison on the tips of his teeth, as the rest of her blood churned and pooled out vigorously around her dying corpse. He would just watch with a sadistic grin on his face as he stood looming over her, watching her as she was slowly and painfully dying on the ground. She would emit a scream so loud that it would smash the glass in the room, causing a ringing sound in her ears. Almost like a banshee wailing. Her lungs would be reduced to ashes as they burned after they felt like they were deflating and inflating rapidly to the point where they would burst. Her eyes would feel so excruciatingly painful that she'd want to claw them out before her eyesight was completely taken away from her.

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