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It was Thursday. Callas had ignored the texts from Jacob and the others, not wanting to talk to them for a while. She knew she was being mean ignoring everyone when it was just Paul that she was having a problem with. He didn't even text to apologise for his behaviour, maybe he really didn't think he had done anything wrong, like Quil had mentioned about him. She made sure to avoid them the entire day, although third period with Embry, during Chemistry, was rather difficult as it was a paired work activity. She kept the talking to a minimum, making sure to avoid all canteen talk if he brought it up by talking about the class work.

Callas spent the entire day with Henry. Even during first period when they had P.E. she made sure to stay clear of Quil and Jared. Henry didn't pick up on her cold attitude towards them, he was rather content with being the centre of Callas's attention, all he did was try to make her happy. That was all that seemed to matter to him. Or, maybe he did pick up on it, but he never said anything. Instead, he stuck by her side, cracking jokes to see her smile. If it wasn't for her heavy crush on Embry, she might have liked Henry as more than a friend, which was a bit weird to think about.

Her main focus was the History project, and nothing else. It was the last period, she had a free, but Henry had English, so she sat on the floor reading her book. Just like he did on her first day. The corridors were silent until the sound of shoes scuffing against the floor made her peer up from her page. Embry paused, looking at her with a small smile before he pointed to the floor next to her, she sighed and nodded. She bookmarked her page and put the book in her bag, one day she was going to be able to read without interruptions, but it clearly wasn't that day.

"Are you angry with me?" Embry asked nervously, not daring to look at her.

"No." She shook her head, keeping her gaze on the ground.

"Because I'm trying to think of what I've done to make you ignore me."

"It's not you," she told him quietly. "I just don't understand why Paul is so mean to someone he didn't bother to get to know."

"It's not really my place to say," Embry replied.

"But you know what his issue is? With Henry?" He nodded. "Couldn't you just tell me something?"

Embry sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Um... Well..." Callas huffed in annoyance.

"Or not."

"It's not that I don't want to tell you."

"It's just not your place to say." Embry nodded sadly at her.


"That's fine, it's not really my place to ask anyway." She picked at the zip of her flight jacket.

"So, you're not angry with me?" He asked again, just to be sure.

Callas smiled lightly and looked over at him, his eyes were still trained on the ground. "No, I'm not."

"Good." He nodded. "Because I was worried that you hated me after what happened at lunch, I couldn't figure out why you ignored me during Chem." He glanced over, she quickly looked away.

"It wasn't easy," she whispered out. "I just needed to think for a while, I was upset that I was friends with people who could barely stand the name of the other."

"Was friends?" Embry questioned. "Are you and Henry not...?"

"Bad word choice." She closed her eyes with a small smile. "I didn't mean it like that. Henry and I are still friends, great friends, in fact. Pauls stubbornness isn't going to change that, he won't get to decide if I'm friends with Henry or not."

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