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As Callas and Embry walked into the gym, she could just about make out the words to the song that played. The speakers vibrated and thumped loudly, with mostly indistinguishable music blaring out, from the other end of the gym. While the song—that Callas was certain was Livin' On A Prayer, by Bon Jovi—rang out, she noticed a few disco balls hanging from the ceiling. Other decorations littered the gym, lights were dangled across the walls and the tables were decorated—somewhat nicely for a small school dance. The gym resembled the prom similar to the one in Carrie. Which Callas wasn't too thrilled about. Especially if a reincarnation of Carrie White was nominated as Queen, although Callas wasn't sure if the dance would have King and Queen. There were longer tables across one end of the gym with small pieces of food and drinks, hopefully not spiked, Callas wasn't sure if she would want to experience being drunk with no one at home to make sure that she was alright. In the middle of the dance floor, in front of the speakers, Callas could make out the Coach—still dressed in sports gear, donned with his silver whistle—dancing badly with one of the female English teachers.

Embry spotted the others, he gently took Callas's hand and pulled her through the crowd and over to the table that the boys had taken over as their own. She noticed a large food platter in the middle of the table—which no doubt meant that Jared had taken it from the food table and brought it over for themselves. Callas lightly shook her head with a smile, Embry looked back at her and pulled her closer, still pushing through a few other students before they finally managed to make their way to the table. Paul nodded his head towards them. Embry copied the action. Callas offered him a small smile instead. Embry pulled out a chair for Callas before he sat down next to her, his arm over the back of her chair as he leaned closer to her so she could hear him as he spoke.

"Did you imagine that it would be like this?"

"Humid and deafening?" Callas raised an eyebrow. "I've read about it."

"Reading isn't the same as experiencing."

"I'm guessing you haven't read that many books then."

"Should I be insulted?"

Callas let out a laugh. "I'm just saying, as an avid reader myself, I can conclude that when you find a good book, and I mean really good book, it feels as though you are transported into that world and you live it with the characters. It's as real as real can get."

"Deep." Embry tilted his head with a raise of an eyebrow.

She shrugged. "I guess."

Embry reached to the middle of the table, picking up one of the pieces of fruit, placing it in his mouth. "Wait, you said you read about it. Does that mean you've never been to a dance before?" He turned his head to look at her, a shocked and confused expression was plastered across his face.

Callas shrugged again. "There was a dance last year, but life got in the way, you know? I didn't see a point in... well, anything, if I'm honest. I stayed at home with Reed and a few of his old college friends and watched the game the entire night."

"That must have been hard for you," Embry smiled apologetically at her.

"It was, but Reed made it easier."

"Again, sorry about this whole situation with your brother."

"It's not your fault. But, if you don't keep your end of our deal tomorrow, then it will be."

"Is it bad that I kinda like this side of you?" Embry's lips tugged into a smirk as he watched her reaction.

Rolling her eyes, Callas looked down. "Shut up."

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