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Kaya knew she would have to leave the apartment sooner or later. She didn't expect that she didn't want to face the little fan club leader at work. So much that she had cleaned the entirety of Jade's apartment. 

Yeah, she would never live this down. 

Kaya dropped the broom back where it belonged and perused her work. Nothing left to use for procrastination purposes. 

Sooner or later, she would have to go to work and face the little brat. 

Might as well start now. 

Kaya steeled her will and stormed toward the bathroom. She could do this. She had survived this far. She could handle a child like Alicia Fairchild. 

A hot shower worked wonders on Kaya's self-esteem. It probably helped that she used the time to psych herself up. 

Today, she would stand up for herself in front of Alicia. She could do this. The whole world knew that Ransom liked her, and Kaya was beginning to believe in his feelings for herself. 

Refreshed and mentally prepared, Kaya gathered her things and headed for the door. 

The doorbell rang. 

Kaya stopped, glanced at her watch, then at the door. Who would be here at this hour of the morning? Surely, Kestrel didn't think this was a good idea. 

"Jade's still sleep-" Kaya stopped before she could finish her sentence. Because she had pulled the door open and couldn't believe the sight before her. 

Ransom grinned. "I'm not here for Jade. Are you ready to leave for work?" 

Kaya glanced down at her outfit, then up at Ransom's suit. "I thought I was, but it seems I'm underdressed..." 

"Not at all. Our jobs are different, that's all. I can't expect you to wear business-wear in the kitchen." Ransom chuckled. 

Kaya bunched her hand around the handle of her bag, but she wanted to press it to her frantically beating heart. It was one of the first times she had seen Ransom smile so perfectly, so genuinely. It fluttered her emotions and, strangely, felt familiar. 

"Kaya?" Ransom bent slightly to catch her gaze. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"No!" Kaya cleared her throat. "No. Um... nothing wrong. I'm ready."

"Then, shall we?" Ransom took a step back and motioned toward the elevator. 

Kaya stepped into the hall and closed the door behind herself. 

Ransom walked ahead of her, his gait steady as always. 

Kaya watched the back of his head for a few steps, then her eyes fell to his hand, swinging at his side. Did it mean something bad if she wanted to reach out and hold it? Should she take the initiative? Or should she let Ransom lead the direction of their relationship. He said it wasn't fake to him. 

But... what if she tried to hold his hand and he got angry? After all, neither of them came into this with feelings. Right?

Ransom paused to look over his shoulder at her. "What goes on in that little head of yours?" 

Kaya shrugged a shoulder. "Lots." 

"What's running through it right now?" 

Kaya's eyes wandered back down to Ransom's hand. It was always so warm. Why couldn't she just do what she wanted and hold it?

Ransom followed her gaze, hesitated, and then held his hand out toward her. 

Kaya looked up into his face. She wanted to ask if he was serious, but she didn't dare. 

Ransom shook his hand gently. "Come on."

A grin split Kaya's lips before she could think better of it. As if of its own volition, her fingers reached out and tucked themselves between Ransom's. 

Ransom grinned down at her. Without another word, he led her to the elevator. 

Kaya could live all day off of the endorphins running through her head.

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