Cornered... Again?

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Words couldn't describe the state of Kaya's confusion. 

Oh, sure, she thought she saw Ransom Lee across the street from the fiasco, but she didn't think he would show up at the hospital. 

Then again, Kaya hadn't thought she would show up at the hospital. Maybe she should reevaluate her decision-making paradigm. First things first, she had to figure out how she got to that room in the first place. 

Her options stood side-by-side in the doorway. 

Ransom Lee? More likely able to afford this room, but less likely to care what happened to Kaya. 

Zoren Olsen? Well, he might care if Kaya collapsed, considering his sister might kill him if something happened to Kaya. However, Kaya doubted he could afford such a room. 

So which one of them brought her here?

"Thank God, you're up." Zoren shoved Ransom out of the way. 

Ransom barely budged. 

Kaya used one elbow to prop herself up. "What happened?"

"Uh, you passed out, dummy." Zoren jogged to Kaya's side and positioned a few extra pillows behind her shoulders. "I should be asking you what happened. One minute, you were fine and the next, you weren't." 

Images from a nightmare flitted across Kaya's mind. Of course. She shouldn't have allowed herself into a situation so similar. 

"I think I got overwhelmed." Kaya cleared her throat. "Is there water?" 

"Are you really alright?" This time, Ransom posed the question. 

Kaya managed to look him in the eye, though she wanted to curl up and hide from both of them. "I told you I would handle things by myself." 

"I may seem harsh, but I am not the kind of man who leaves a woman in danger." 

"What?" It might have been the IV, but Kaya didn't quite follow.

Ransom shoved his hands into his pockets. "I told you it would get out of hand. You didn't seem to believe me, so I've kept eyes on you. In case something like today's incident happens." 

"Who brought me to the hospital?" Kaya pressed a palm to her aching head. 

"That was me," Zoren answered sheepishly. "I was worried." 

"Your friend," Ransom bit out the word, "insisted on bringing you to a hospital. I merely provided the private room. This way, the press won't get in." 

"I told you, I'm her boyfriend." Zoren shot a glare in Ransom's direction. 

"I doubt that." This time, Kaya was certain she saw Ransom smirk. "If she had a boyfriend, she would have told me when I had her pinned to a wall." 

"When you... what?" Zoren shot a look from Ransom, to Kaya, and back again. "You what?"

"It would have been the logical recourse." 

Kaya had to admire the way that Ransom ignored Zoren's not-so-subtle freak-out. 

"Did you not hear what I told the reporters?" Zoren threw a hand out in a what-you-gonna-do? gesture. 

"I think we should discuss your next moves. This will only make it all worse." Ransom's gaze didn't leave Kaya. 

Something about the way he looked at her seemed familiar to Kaya. She couldn't place the emotion or the expression, but had she seen it before? 

"I can handle it." Kaya repeated the mantra in hopes she might believe it, herself. 

"You can handle it? You can?" Ransom strode closer. "The girl who's easier to fluster than my fan club?" 

"I am not-"

Ransom leaned over the bed, pressing one hand on either side of Kaya. "Oh, really?" 

"Hey." Zoren grabbed Ransom's shoulder and tugged. "Back off. She has a boyfriend." 

Ransom didn't move, but instead smirked at the blush rising on Kaya's cheeks. He reached up a hand to Kaya's also-red ear. "No, she doesn't. Or she wouldn't react like this." 

Kaya didn't know what to say or how to react. Ransom didn't listen to Zoren, in fact he seemed to resent him for some reason. How did she get out of this situation. 

"I'm going to call the cops on you," Zoren piped up. 

Ransom turned only his head to stare. "Go ahead." 

"I'd rather call the cops on both of you!" Jade's voice hailed from the door. "When our good friend collapses, it's in your best interest to inform us. As for you, cousin, you shouldn't torment a recovering patient."

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