The Contract (pt. 1)

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This trip to Conditus felt completely different than her first visit. 

Trepidation and fear swirled the most violently in the pit of Kaya's stomach. She didn't really know what she was getting herself into. Though she made a verbal contract with Ransom Lee, she didn't know all the details of her job.

The unknown scared Kaya the most, but she trusted Tobin and Ransom. To an extent. 

As if her very thoughts summoned him, Tobin emerged from the security gates. His cordial smile put Kaya at ease for a moment. At least Tobin didn't hate her. One friend in a sea of the unsure. 

Tobin waved Kaya over with all the poise she expected from him. 

Kaya hiked her bag higher on her shoulder and headed his way. 

"Good morning, Miss Parker." Tobin inclined his head in greeting. "CEO Lee is waiting in his office. Shall we?" He motioned both hands toward the elevators. 

Kaya forced a half-smile and took the lead, since Tobin had a thing for letting ladies go first. Fair enough. She trusted him enough to bring up the rear. 

Kaya didn't dare utter a word in the elevator, nor during any of their journey to the very top floor. If she opened her mouth, her stomach might revolt. Why did she think this was a good idea?

"Mr. Lee isn't a bad man, you know." Tobin said it casually, his eyes not daring to look at Kaya. 

Kaya swallowed. "Yeah. I know. I think. He's just... scary." 

"I think you'll change your mind once you get to know him better." 

"I'm not so sure." 

That's where the conversation ended. Both had their reasons for remaining silent, but neither had the guts to voice those reasons. 

Tobin opened the door to his office and let Kaya in first. 

This was it. The final frontier. 

Kaya closed her eyes and took a deep breath, if only to steady a portion of her nerves. It was a job, not a prison sentence. 

Tobin rested a hand on the handle of the CEO's office door. "If you would, Miss Parker." 

Kaya blew out her breath and marched to Tobin's side. If she was going to do this, she might as well do it with determination. If Ransom tried to pull one over on her, she would make him regret it. 

Tobin opened the door. "Ms. Parker has arrived." 

"Bring her in and come with her."

Kaya hesitated but a moment, and only because she hated how much she enjoyed listening to the deep timbre in Ransom's voice. It wasn't that she didn't understand why he had a fan club. She just hated the fan club.

Jade stood from a couch as Kaya entered. "Good morning, beautiful!"

Kaya blinked. "What are you doing here?" 

"Ransom asked me to be a witness for the contract. I couldn't very well say no. I have to make sure it is favorable to you." 

Well, at least one thing had gone right this morning. Kaya brought her fingers to her lip, then thought better of the nervous habit and folded her hands behind her back, instead. 

Ransom rose from his desk chair. "You look nervous, but should we begin, anyway?"

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