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Kaya barely made it back to the cafe. She hadn't felt such anger in a very long time. Who was Ransom Lee, CEO, to think that he could accuse her of doing something so stupid on purpose?

Kaya hated the tabloids. She always had. Why did she have to be a part of them now? 

This was all that stupid CEO's fault, right? Kaya would have been blissfully unaware of all of it, except he had to throw himself in the middle. What ever happened to plausible deniability? 

"You're back!" Lina grabbed Kaya's arm and yanked her toward the kitchen. "We need to have words, cupcake!" 

"About what?" Kaya didn't pull away from Lina. Lina didn't frighten her. 

Lina did, however, concern Kaya on a number of levels. Especially when she pulled Kaya into a far corner and whipped out her phone. 

"I am unsure that you are aware of the gravity of the situation." Lina pulled up the same article CEO Lee had shown Kaya and shoved the phone in Kaya's face. "Read this." 

"I already saw it." 

"And?" Lina shook the phone again. 

Kaya shrugged. "It's all a lie. Not a word of truth to it." 

"Don't be an idiot!" Lina sidled up to Kaya and pointed at the picture. "Look! This is you, you're literally wearing the same shirt right now. Where did you get it?" 

"I borrowed it from Jade." Kaya shrugged Lina off. 

"Jade? Really?" Lina squinted at the picture again. "Where did Jade get it?" 

"She said someone left it at her apartment." 

"Where have you been for the past half hour?" 

"Getting harassed by a giant company."

Lina's whole body went still. "Come again?" 

"I apparently ticked off someone in a pretty high place." 

"Who are we talking about here?"

"The CEO, Mr. Lee." Kaya sighed. "Even my cheddar-bacon scones didn't make it better."

"You made the man cheddar-bacon scones and he still didn't forgive you?!" Lina dropped her phone to snatch at Kaya's arms. "He doesn't deserve your angelic contributions. Make me scones instead. I'll go beat him for you." 

Kaya shook her head. "I'm not sure that's how it works. Besides, we need Conditus to keep ordering from us, or I'm out of a job." 

"That's beside the point here." Lina motioned to the door. "Treats aside, the line in front of this building is here to see you. What are you going to do about it?" 

"Um... hide?" Kaya smiled, hoping Lina would help her out. 

Lina shook her head. "You can't. Didn't Mr. Grumpy CEO Who Hates Scones have any ideas on how to make this go away?" 

As of today, you're dating Tobin.

Do you want to date me?

"Nope. No ideas. Well, a couple, but I didn't like them and he was being mean about it." Kaya scratched a finger against the back of her neck. "Do I really have to go out there and talk to people?" 

"We should start with taking that shirt off. It's... noticeable." 

"But it completes the outfit. That's what Jade said." 

"Jade can get over it!" Lina tugged at the shirt until she had it off Kaya's shoulders. "This stays in the break room. Second, I will become a part-time waitress today. You stay behind the counter and wear this." Lina held up a black face mask. "Like a hidden celebrity." 

"How is that a good idea?" 

Lina shoved the mask into Kaya's hands. "You don't have a choice, just do it!" 

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