The Forgotten Assignment

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"I forgot!" Kaya leaped off the couch with a cry. 

Jade glanced up from her nails. "What did you forget?" 

"I'm supposed to deliver a package." Kaya scrambled for the bedroom in search of clothes. 

Tobin had said she needed to deliver it before the end of the week, which meant she had about ten hours left. 

"Where are you going?" Lina called after her. 

Jade also raised her voice. "Ransom said to stay here, for your own safety!"

Kaya stopped, backtracked three paces, and leaned around the doorframe. "I'm going to his company. If you don't like it, go with me." 

Lina and Jade exchanged a look. 

"It isn't a terrible idea." Jade shrugged her shoulders. 

Lina sighed. "Okay. Fine. I'll go with you. Jade's too high-profile. Jade, sweetie, is there a way to sneak Kaya out of here without anyone seeing?" 

"Take my car." Jade applied another coat of polish to one of her nails. "Just don't tell Ransom that I let the two of you out of my sight." 

"We won't directly tell him, at the very least." Lina blew a kiss to Jade. "Wait up, Kaya. I need clothes, too." 

Kaya did not wait up. Lina would figure out her own issues. It took all her mental strength to wrack her brain and try to remember where she stashed the package that Tobin asked her to deliver. It should be in the kitchen, right? That seemed logical. Kaya kind of remembered putting it down at her station. 

Or did she take it home? No. That didn't sound right. 

It must still be at work. 

Kaya slipped into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a hooded jacket. It wasn't her best attire, but it would work to make a quick delivery. The plan was to be back by the time Ransom knew she had even left. 

"Is it really this urgent?" Lina twisted her hair up into a bun as she asked. "I mean, it's been an eventful day for you. Can't this wait until Monday?" 

"I was supposed to do it yesterday." Kaya slid her feet into a pair of sneakers. "Are you ready? We should hurry." 

Lina pointed a finger at Kaya. "Don't rush me." 

"Too late. Let's go." Kaya grabbed Lina's arm. 

She should get this done before she forgot again. It was the only thing that Tobin had asked of her. She couldn't let him down again. Failing her secretarial mission had been bad enough. 

Lina grabbed the keys from Jade and trailed Kaya all the way down to the secure parking garage. 

"You should hunker down where you won't be seen," Lina suggested. "Better for everyone involved. Especially since Ransom hasn't made his statement yet. By now, I'm sure that the fan site has blown it out of control." 

Kaya didn't doubt it. From her one run-in with them, personally, she wouldn't be surprised if they plotted the aftermath before they posted things. How did Ransom end up with such crazy followers anyway? He seemed nice enough, but his fans...

Kaya crawled into the backseat and laid down. Lina was right. She should keep a low profile. It would be best for everyone. 

Sweet and Spicy [COMPLETED]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara