Exploring Gone Wrong

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Thanks to Noel's stance of "no order, no customer", the cafe sold out and closed its doors early.

Kaya didn't have to use Lina to divert attention. A good thing, since she didn't think it would work a second time. Besides, people would probably raise questions if Zoren showed up two days in a row.

Part of Kaya wanted to take the time to explore the city. Another part said it was a terrible idea.

Kaya didn't know which part of her personality to listen to. She couldn't spend all her free time cooped up at home, right? Besides, she hadn't done anything wrong. The tabloids blew it way out of proportion. 

People expected to find her at her workplace, since someone had leaked that information. 

They didn't expect her to roam the streets freely. Or so Kaya told herself. 

She found a bit of solace in the lie. Just enough courage to turn her feet toward the nearby shopping district. 

Tall glass windows and countless LED light displays beckoned Kaya to browse. Not that she could afford any of it, but she liked to look. 

Some stores, Kaya didn't dare to darken their door. If she so much as looked at their inventory, she might break it. Kaya had no intention of spending the next two month's salary on one item of clothing. 

She didn't understand how the large crowds in this district afforded it. Especially the high-schoolers she saw running around. What kind of allowance did their parents give them?

Kaya looked up from the sidewalk long enough to realize she had no idea where she had wandered to. Nothing looked familiar. 

Don't panic, she reminded herself. She had a phone. Her phone had a map app. She could get back, no problem. 

Kaya rummaged through her bag for her phone. Pressed the power button. It didn't turn on. 

She pressed it again. And again. And again. 

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Kaya clutched the dead phone to her chest and inhaled sharply through her nose. She forgot to charge it the night before. 

THINK! Kaya pressed a palm to her aching temple. She could do this. She was an adult. 

Kaya looked around for the least intimidating person. Her gaze landed on one of those high-schoolers she had mentally questioned earlier. It might be easier to speak to someone younger than her. It might give her the feeling of having the upper hand. 

Taking a deep breath, Kaya slowly sidled up to the girl, whose hair hung a little messy and sweatshirt looked a little big. 

"Excuse me?" Kaya ventured in a voice too small. 

The girl barely glanced up. 

Kaya cleared her throat and tried again. "Um... I'm sorry. Can I ask something?" 

This time, the girl tilted her head at a bird-like angle and nodded. 

"I'm a little lost and my phone just died..." Kaya winced at the pathetic sentence. "Anyway, I'm wondering if you can tell me where I'm at? At least point me back toward... where I came from." 

"Ohmigosh." The girl heaved a breathless laugh. "Seriously? Here? I've got to pass this on." She whipped out her phone and clicked a picture. 

Kaya winced and took a step back. 

The girl clicked another picture. "This is priceless!" She pressed a button on her phone. "Guys, come quick! I'm getting a real close up of the scandal girl."

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