Morning After

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Kaya's eyes sprang open, then closed again when the bright morning light hurt them. 

Ding-dong, ding-dong!

Lina, sprawled along the foot of the bed, swatted a hand at Jade's foot. "Your door!" 

Jade stretched out like a cat, then rolled onto her other side. "Five more minutes. Let them wait." 

Kaya pressed her palms against her eyes. What time was it, anyway? She should figure that out before making any decisions on what to do with her morning. 

Ding-dong. Ding-dong, ding-ding-ding-dong!

Jade sat straight up and glared in the general direction of her front door. "I will slay you!" 

Of course, whoever kept ringing the doorbell either didn't hear her shout, or they didn't care. The annoying ringing went on and on. 

"What if it's important?" Kaya asked quietly. 

Jade flung her blanket aside and dashed a hand through her hair to drag it out of her face. "It had better be important." She stormed out of the bedroom. 

Kaya felt around the nearest nightstand for her phone. She remembered dropping it there the night before. She had just latched hold of it when Lina also sat bolt upright. 


Kaya blinked, then stared. What in the world made Lina react like that? "What's wrong?" 

Lina waved her phone in the air. "Trust me, you don't want to know, but I'm fairly certain I know who's at the door. Get up. Up. UP!" Lina sprang to her feet and dashed for the bathroom. 

"What's the rush?" Kaya groaned. A look at the time didn't worry her. They all had plenty of time to get ready if they were going anywhere. It was Saturday. 

Lina rushed out of the bathroom and cracked open the bedroom door. She immediately waved Kaya over. 

Kaya begrudgingly trudged from the warm comfort of the bed to Lina's peeping hole. "What's going on-"

"Shh." Lina pressed a finger to her lips, then pointed into the living area. 

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Jade came into view, followed by... Ransom?

Ransom dropped a plastic bag onto Jade's ottoman. "I think I need to have a conversation with Kaya. She's here, isn't she?" 

Kaya skittered away from the door. Of their own accord, her fingers reached up to rake through her hair... remove the sleep gunk from her eyes... wipe away any possible drool. 

"What are you doing?" 

Kaya paused, her finger still at the corner of her lip, to stare back at Lina. "...nothing?" 

"Save it. I completely understand." Lina shut the door and grabbed Kaya's wrist. "Time to make you look morning cute." 

"Morning cute?" 

"Trust me, it's a thing. We'll start with your hair." Lina dragged Kaya behind her into the bathroom. 

Kaya winced at her own reflection. She usually didn't have such terrible bed-head. What had she been doing all night? 

Oh, right. The nightmares. That would explain the mess staring back from the mirror. 

"I probably shouldn't keep him waiting..." Kaya nibbled at her lower lip. Ransom was, after all, her boss. 

Lina rummaged around until she came up with a brush and a pile of makeup. "No worries. Jade knows. She'll stall him. Plus, she'll rant at him about waking her up for at least ten minutes. She's a solid decoy." 

"How do you know all this?"

Lina shrugged. "Been there, done that. You think I've never dated?" 

No. Lina had obviously dated before. Apparently in the recent enough past that Jade helped her out. Made sense. 

"What are you doing with the makeup?" 

Lina just grinned. Great. This could be an interesting morning, after all. 

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