The Auction Gala (pt. 2)

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A limousine had been waiting to whisk Ransom and Kaya off to the auction gala. This time, it had surprised Kaya less than she anticipated. Kaya was quickly coming to learn that Ransom operated on a completely different level when it came to money. 

Their ride remained silent, with Kaya wringing her hands and Ransom watching her with concern. 

Only when the vehicle pulled to a stop outside an upscale hotel did Kaya manage to voice her thoughts. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Ransom reached out for Kaya's hand. "What's bothering you about it?" 

"The public eye hasn't been a very good place for me, historically speaking." She didn't fit in here. Didn't belong. What if everyone discovered what a fake she was? 

"Is that all?" 

Kaya nodded, then thought better of it and shook her head. "I'm not used to this kind of thing. What if I mess up?" 

"That's why I'm here." Ransom lifted Kaya's hand to kiss her knuckles. "Stay by my side and everything will be just fine. Don't go wandering off." 

He had a good point. Kaya hadn't done well with the whole wandering off thing, either. Every time she went off by herself, weird and dangerous things happened. Better to stay at Ransom's side so she had some sort of protection. Especially with press and elite businessmen as Kaya's foes. 

A white-gloved valet opened the limousine door and offered a hand to assist Kaya out of the vehicle. 

Ransom squeezed her fingers gently, with a soft reassurance of "everything is fine." Then he let go and exited the other door. 

Kaya accepted the valet's help to stand, given she wasn't used to the killer heels Jade had insisted she wear. They looked amazing, but Kaya wasn't confident in her stiletto-walking skills. 

She needn't have worried. Ransom swept in beside her and offered his arm for balance and an anchor. Kaya accepted without even thinking, grateful she had when the camera flashes began. 

Though her muscles tightened and her fight-or-flight instincts urged Kaya to run, she managed to hold it together this time. She had realized, lately, that running only postponed the inevitable. Better to face things head-on, now that they had caught up to her. 

Ransom dipped his head toward Kaya's ear, his voice low as he explained, "Most of these will be entertainment and tabloid publications. The actual journalists will be allowed inside." 

"Great." Kaya gave Ransom a wry smile, because that's all she could manage in that situation. 

Together, the two traipsed down the cordoned-off aisle between the seas of media. Only at the door did Ransom extract his arm from Kaya's, and then only to rest his hand against the small of her back and usher her inside. 

The rush of voices and camera clicks dimmed against the quiet interior of the lobby. 

"How are you doing?" Ransom asked softly. 

Kaya nodded her head. "I'm okay." 

Surprisingly, she meant it. Though it had been difficult to face the things that reminded her of her mother's disappearance, Kaya found that it hadn't been as bad as she feared. Especially not with someone beside her. 

"Thank you," Kaya offered to Ransom, the best she could do on short notice. 

Ransom smiled, wide and genuine. "You're welcome. But maybe hold off on that thank you until the night is over. Just in case." 

"I'll give you a second thank you if we get through this." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Ransom chuckled softly, tucked Kaya's arm around his again, and turned for a large sign on their right. "We shouldn't keep everyone waiting, should we?" 

"Do you have a plan besides showing up and showing off?" 

Ransom winked. "I always have a plan. But... I'm not sure how it will go. Don't hate me if things turn south. I can't control anyone but myself." 

Thankfully, Kaya knew Ransom's character. He wouldn't put her in harm's way and he wouldn't purposefully make her feel insecure, so she followed him. If Ransom had a plan, Kaya trusted him to carry it out.

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