Morning Makeover

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Kaya stretched her arms above her head and arched her back. She hadn't had such a good night's sleep in ages. 

The blankets rustled around her, a sound Kaya wasn't familiar with. 

Oh, right. She spent the night at Jade's place. 

Kaya cautiously crawled out from under the blanket. She should at least try to be considerate of the homeowner, even if Jade hadn't let her take the couch instead of the bed. 

"Are you up?" Jade poked her head into the room with a grin. "Lina said you usually leave for work by eight. Should we get started?" 

Kaya froze, one knee still on the bed. "Uh... yes. Yes, I am up." Had she promised to do something this morning? Kaya hardly remembered the evening's events. She had been so tired. Nearly asleep on her feet. 

Jade flung the door wide and skipped her way to the closet door. "Come in!" 

Kaya didn't understand the sight before her eyes. She had expected a normal closet, not an entire room filled to the brim with clothes and shoes. 

A lift on a tag revealed a brand name that Kaya would never be able to afford. 

"So... when you said that you model..." 

"It's my job." Jade thumbed through a rack of shirts. 

"And you make a lot of money?" 

"Enough to live on." Jade pulled out a graphic tee and moved on to another rack. "What's your shoe size?" 

Kaya blinked, overwhelmed. "Um... nine?" 

"Perfect, me too! I've always wanted to share shoes with a friend." Jade ran her hand lovingly over a pair of stilettos. 

"I'm not... really a shoe person." Kaya tried her best to keep her voice light. It seemed that Jade really loved her job. 

"Oh." Jade glanced over the stilettos and pulled out a pair of red Converse, instead. "These, then. This should work with your jeans from yesterday." 

"Okay..." Kaya trailed Jade back into the bedroom. "Are you sure that shirt is going to fit me?" 

"Stop worrying. I have a plan." Jade tossed the shirt on the bed. "Here, get dressed. I need to go find something. I know he left it..." 

Kaya wanted to ask what the heck Jade was talking about, but she didn't dare. If a mini-makeover is what it took to repay Jade for her kindness, Kaya would do whatever Jade wanted. 

"Here!" Jade ran back into the room, waving something big and black. "Let me help you. This is going to look so cute on you!" 

Cute? Kaya had never really worn anything that made her feel cute. Functional had been her mission since before she could remember. When one worked in a kitchen, functional made more sense than cute. 

Jade straightened out the fabric in her arms and held it out. Now that Jade had fixed it, Kaya could tell what it was. A rather large dress shirt, black with minuscule gray pinstripes. 

"How is that going to look cute on me?" 

"Easy!" Jade slipped it onto Kaya's shoulders, then started to button it. "Just a tuck or two here..." she stuffed the bottom of the shirt into Kaya's jeans. "A little fluff here..." Jade adjusted the too-large shirt on Kaya's shoulders, then rolled up the sleeves. "Perfect!" 

As opposed to the sweatshirt Jade offered the night before, this shirt seemed different. It didn't smell new. It smelled... like cologne. 

"Is this shirt yours?" Kaya ventured to ask. 

Jade waved a hand. "It belongs to my cousin. No matter. He's the one who left it here, so I'm claiming it in the name of fashion. You look so cute!" 

"I can't take this." 

"Then give it back when you're done with it. You are not leaving my apartment looking anything less than street fashion ready." 

Kaya already knew better than to argue. "Thank you. Do you know how to do hair, too?" 

"Say no more!" Jade grabbed Kaya's hand. "You're going to look amazing in no time!" 

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