Success or Failure?

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Kaya stared at the phone as if that would make someone call any faster. 

"I'm only asking for this one thing. Just let him eat it." 

Of course, it was too late to be asking this of any higher power. It had been almost twenty-four hours since she took the desserts to Conditus. 

Kaya hadn't even been able to sleep well the night before. It took her twice the time to get ready as it usually did. She hadn't been able to focus all day. 

What if she got fired over this? What happened if she couldn't afford her rent? She couldn't go back to her small town. Not in a million years. 

Shouldn't someone have said something about it by now?

"Just call already!" 

"Waiting for someone?"

Kaya yelped and skittered back away from the counter. 

Tobin chuckled and set a slip of paper on the countertop. "The next order." 

"He ate it?!" Kaya leapt forward, hoping against hope that Tobin wasn't playing with her. 

Tobin nodded once. "A bite. No comments, but he tried it and swallowed it." 

"Oh, thank God." Kaya dropped her head into her hands. "I'm saved!" 

"Saved?" Tobin laughed again. "I'm sorry, but aren't you being a little dramatic?" 

"Oh... uh..." 

"Looks like your job stays." Noel ventured out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. 

"Her job?" Tobin seemed confused. "What does any of this have to do with her job?" 

"I made a deal with her. If he doesn't eat what she makes, her job goes away." Noel flipped the towel onto her shoulder. "That still stands, by the way. For every order." 

"That seems excessive." Tobin glanced between the two women, concern on his face. "Isn't it an abuse of power to make that kind of bet?" 

"Kaya agreed to it. Didn't you, Kaya?" Noel shot her a sideways glance. 

"Um... I... did?" As much as she wanted to argue, if Kaya said something wrong Noel could fire her right there. 

Tobin folded his arms. "You don't seem so sure." 

"I did. Really. I took the bet. It's my fault." Kaya rolled her lips together. "We'll continue to fill your orders." 

Noel swept her hand, palm up, in Kaya's general direction. "You see? It's all fine. You shouldn't get in the middle of my business anyway." 

Tobin didn't nod or move to leave. Instead, Kaya thought she heard him mutter something along the lines of, "I'm going to have to put this in the report." 

She couldn't, for the life of her, figure out what that meant. However, by the time Tobin left, Noel had calmed down. 

No matter that Kaya's job would be on the line almost every day now. No matter that Noel had totally bullied her way into Kaya's bad graces. 

At least, for the time being, Kaya had a job.

The day turned out longer than she anticipated, though. Under Noel's obsessive watch, Kaya had little time to relax. At least until she reached the break room after her shift. 

Kaya snatched her things and headed home. She would have to do something about her work environment later.

Her bedroom had never sounded so comforting. 

Unfortunately, her troubles for the day weren't over just yet.

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