Late Night Talk

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Kaya stared across the room at the jacket hanging on her wall. Ransom's jacket. 

How was she supposed to know that he had been serious about liking her? In her life, there wasn't room for love. She wouldn't allow there to be room for love. Love ruined lives. Kaya couldn't afford that. 

But... Ransom had a way of barging right through all the walls she built up. Of seeing past the facade she wore. When she didn't want to say what she really felt, Ransom had a way of knowing there was a bigger problem behind her strange behavior. 

Try as she might, Kaya couldn't dislike him. 

Even if she argued with him, something about Ransom's presence made her feel safe. Perhaps they could be friends. Even friendship broke her rules about caring for others. 

Why did Ransom always show up when she found herself in the worst sort of trouble?

A series of knocks on her front door interrupted Kaya's inner musings. 

Hesitantly, Kaya tiptoed to the door and peered through the peephole. 

Zoren waited on the other side. 

Kaya let out a sigh of relief. She didn't know exactly what she expected, but it hadn't been anything good. At least she knew Zoren wasn't there to do her harm. 

Kaya released the locks and cracked the door. "Did you need something?"

"I think we need to talk." Zoren shot her a smile that didn't quite seem like the Zoren that Kaya knew. 

Kaya frowned at him. "Right now?" 

"It's not even that late. Can I come in?" 

Before Kaya could answer, Zoren had already pushed the door open and stepped inside. 

Kaya took one last glance down the hall. Thankfully, not even a shadow moved. She slammed the door just in case. No use inviting unwanted eavesdroppers into the conversation. 

"What's wrong?" Kaya asked Zoren.

Zoren shrugged his shoulders. "A lot of things. Mostly, I hadn't seen you in a while. Are we still fake dating?" 

"I didn't think it mattered so much since it was fake." And, to be honest, their one and only date had freaked her out. Both mentally and emotionally. 

"True, but we're still friends, right?" 

Kaya nodded. "Of course." 

"Then... are you going to tell me about the guy who brought you home?" 

"Oh, Lawrence?" Kaya scratched her head. "He's just a security guard." 

"He followed you inside the building." Zoren sank onto Kaya's couch. "What's going on?" 

The past had caught up to her? No, she couldn't tell him that. Danger now waited around every corner? No, that wasn't good, either. 

"There was an incident at work. My boss didn't deem it safe for me to walk home alone." 

"You mean that CEO dude? Ransom Lee?" 

Kaya nodded again. No use denying it. Zoren would figure it out eventually. 

Zoren wrinkled his nose. "Of course it was." 

"He's not that bad." 

"To you." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kaya folded her arms. Strange, how she seemed protective over him even though she didn't want to be close to him. 

Zoren chuckled. "Exactly what I said." He stood to his feet. "Why is it that only he can act on his feelings? Why can't I?" 

Kaya didn't have anywhere to go as Zoren crossed the room. The wall was already at her back. 

Zoren stopped just shy of invading Kaya's personal space. "Is he really that much better than me?" 

"I don't know what you mean." Kaya couldn't quite look Zoren in the eye. It seemed unfair to all involved, this triangle of feelings. Why couldn't she untangle the emotions around her heart? 

Zoren reached out to pat her head. "You do know what I mean. It's okay. We don't have to talk about it right now. I'll be here when you make up your mind." 

Words so similar to Ransom's that they scared her. Kaya hardly dared breathe as Zoren patted her head once more and sailed out her door. 

For the first time, Kaya realized. She would have to choose.

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