Girl Talk

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"I was prepared to say 'look at all the boxes! Do you need help?' But now I'm just concerned." Lina peeked through the bathroom door. "Are you sure you're moving in?" 

Kaya glanced around the small space. She didn't have a lot of possessions, but there were enough boxes sitting around. "This is all my stuff." 

"You are clearly not material person." Lina flopped onto the love-seat. "I thought you'd never leave the village life. Small towns seemed to suit you, and your mom's sweet shop and all." 

Kaya tucked her hair behind her ears. "I don't have the shop anymore." 

"What? Why?"

"I just don't." Where else could she look? What could she do to change the topic? Kaya shoved the box of books toward a bookshelf. 

Lina made a thoughtful sound. "So you're here all alone? No friends or anything?" 

"Nope." Kaya tried to find the end of the tape on the box. If only she knew how to change the subject off of this uncomfortable one. 

"Well, you have me." Lina flopped onto the floor on the other side of the book box. "I'll introduce you to my bestie. You can hang with us in your spare time. Use Zoren for all your heavy lifting, that's about all he's good for." 

"You said he was the clever twin." Kaya finally found the end of the tape and gave a tug. The box popped open. 

Lina reached for the books inside. "I mean, of course he's smart, but sometimes I question his common sense." 

"I probably won't have much time for hanging out. I'm working at the shop most of the time." 

"Everyone has days off and vacation time. Besides, there's always the after-work slump. We'll go out to eat or to see a movie. And who knows, maybe you'll end up with a boyfriend!" 

Kaya winced. She grabbed a handful of books and started to shelf them. "Probably not. You remember how it was in high school. I didn't even go to prom." 

"It's just because we didn't have many people in school and the extroverts got the dates." Lina pouted her lips. "Sorry about that." 

"It's not your fault. I'm just not interesting. I'll stick with sweets. They make me happy." 

"A woman cannot live on sweets alone, if you get my drift." Lina winked at Kaya. "I'll give you a little push into the dating world." 

"Please don't." 

"Oh, it'll be fine! Let me know when you're all settled and I'll set up a blind date." 

"I really think that's a bad idea." 

"I wouldn't set you up with a weirdo." 

Kaya nodded, giving in because she didn't want to argue. Conflict didn't get along with her, nor she with conflict. Yet another reason she found herself in the big city. 

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" Lina handed another book up to Kaya. 

Kaya shrugged. "I work most days." 

"Then we should get all of this unpacked tonight. You don't want to drag it on too long. Better if it feels homey. I'll crank the tunes, you rip the tape." 

Kaya grinned for the first time in a long time. At least, with Lina as her friend, she would never be bored. Forget dating or socializing. Kaya didn't need that in her life. In fact, the whole idea scared her. She had never done it before, so how was she supposed to know how to go about it?

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