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TODAY WAS just another day of rigorous training. Throughout the castle, spirits seemed to be poor and tired. It's been three days since we decided on our departure, and I've been spending my free time training with the army.

Laps and footwork were the focus of this week's workouts. It seems pointless, but they will not survive unless they strengthen their legs and increase their stamina. On the battlefield, the desire to kill outweighs everything else. You're dead if you can't outrun the swing of a knife or an arrow fired from a bow a mile away at crazy speeds.

I've set up obstacle courses for them to run across in the grass field, and they can't stop before I tell them to. Ladders have been laid out on the floor, carriage wheels have been tied together as lifting barriers, and endless laps around the castle.

How do I explain to someone what it means to truly harness your body's power? I looked at the army, realizing that they are here to fight, but don't realize the art behind it. They don't understand how to become one with each other and their weapons. To them, this is just a job.

How do you teach someone the art of war who only views this as a paycheck?

The army has almost finished this stage of preparation, but today their hearts weren't in it as much as they had been the previous two days. They were mentally groaning and whining. Their expressions say it all.

"What are you sloths!? Pick up the pace ladies!" I yelled at the men running their laps. They all glanced at each other, rolled their eyes, and picked up the pace. I sighed heavily. What was up with them and their attitude today?

"She is in some kind of mood today, it must be her monthly bleed." a soldier behind me groaned. This caught my attention and my focus changed from the mission in front of me to the mumming behind me.

"If this is how she is, this is probably why her parents abandoned her." One soldier scoffed.

All at once, I felt overwhelmed. I wasn't the strong woman everyone saw before them, I was transported to the little girl I was before. Scared, alone, timid.

Who am I? What's wrong with me? How did they know about my past? Do they see it? Do they see that lost girl I once was?

Their voices continued, getting louder and louder in my ears, deafening the sounds around me. I felt my chest tighten as if my lungs were closing off, stopping the flow of air around.

I was startled when a heavy hand grasped my shoulder firmly. I looked at Arius, wide-eyed as he spoke to me, "The preparations for our departure are almost ready. Are you ready?" I couldn't let them see me like this.

"Yes." I nodded. Turning towards the army I yelled, "Run to the Watchtower and back!" They all stopped and looked at me funny. My short command wasn't processing in their minds, "What are you waiting for? An invitation? Go! Right now! Run!"

Reluctantly they obey my command, although I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it. The men were barely out of sight as I made my way to a large evergreen towards my left. One deep inhale and I heard it.

"Aislin, where are you? I know you in here. I can hear you breathing. Aislin. Aislin. Aislin."

His footstep is getting closer and closer. If I just hold my breath he won't hear me. If I just close my eyes, I won't let him in.

All I could hear was his soft echoes, "Aislin."

"Aislin!? Aislin?!" I felt firm hands shaking me back to reality, pulling me out of the black hole I was falling into. I looked up gasping for air as my eyes began to focus on what was once a monster.

"Look at me." The figure said. He lifted my head and my eyes locked on his. His right hand clasped the side of my face and his left hand took my right, placing it over his heart.

"Breathe." He said as he pressed my hand against his chest firmly, "Focus on my heartbeat. Breathe to the rhythm of my heartbeat." Slowly my breath began to calm.

"That's it. There you go." He whispered.

I became very aware of my surroundings. I could feel the breeze against my face. I smell the earth below me. I could hear the rustling leaves of the nearby trees. I closed my eyes and took one more deep breath.

I know that smell. I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Leland."


Author Note!

Hi everyone, Mickey here!

My lovely momma helped me write this chapter, Let's give her some love and appreciation!! >

Chapter nine babyyy! hehe but that chilfhanger thooo!!!

Thoughts >

Feelings >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Tell me a saying, or like a catch phrase that you and your family say frequently that no one else understands but makes perfect sense to you. >


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