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I STARED at the clue with a burning gaze.  I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. Its presence was haunting. It made me uneasy, bringing memories to the surface.

"Congrats on finding clue number two. Assuming that you've Lived to see the next Full moon. I see your steps, I see your breath's, I see you're curious of who looks into the depths. Look up At me. Look up at me in the darkness, feel me shining with depths of the Moons lonesomeness."

"If you stare at it any longer, I'm sure it'll burst into flames." A voice said with a  forced chuckle.

I looked up from the clue with hooded eyes to see August staring at me with a bit of concern. I pulled my fingernail out of my mouth that I had been unconsciously chewing on, "How long have you been standing there?"

"A good five minutes." He said. I sighed and he continued, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I sighed, "Just trying to figure out what the clue means."

I rubbed my hands down my face with a groan. I'm trying to do is settle a disagreement with myself. I didn't know how tiring it is in your head, going back and forth with yourself. My head's hurting.

He nodded, "I can see the dazed look in your eyes, you're not fine. But I understand, so I'll leave you be. But please remember, you're not alone." He made movements to walk out of the office but I found myself stopping him before I could stop myself.

"I-I.." I stared. He turned around and slowly advanced towards the desk. He pulled a chair out and sat in it. He stared at me. Not rushing me, just waiting patiently for me to continue.

"I've never had a normal life," I began, "I grew up with warriors and since the beginning, I have been training to be the best. But as I got older and rose in the ranks of the best warriors, I created new enemies. I hadn't learned how to balance life with my family my job because in honest, they were the same for me. I believe that I have become cocky. Believing nothing would happen to me or my family. That no one would dare try and hurt us. I had to find out the hard way the consequences. "

He stared at me with an expression of interest and sympathy. No pity, which I wordlessly appreciated, "What happened?"

"They were murdered." I choked out. I heard a sharp inhale from August, "The clue we found leads us right where it all started, and where it all ended."

"Back to your homeland." He sighed. I nodded wordlessly. I sighed heavily and placed my hands in my face and groaned.

I suddenly went stiff at the body heat that eloped me. August was...hugging me.

I hadn't been hugged in years, I almost forgot how it felt. The warmth and love in a single action. Stiffly I returned his hug. I slowly began to relax as the feeling become familiar.

When he pulled away, I knew he could see the uncomfortableness on my face. That made him chuckle lightly, "Thank you for sharing. I know that that was difficult for you to share with me, especially since you don't know me well."

I shrugged lazily, "I don't know why I told you. It just...came out."

"And that's okay." He comforted, "It's good to let these things out and not letting them eat you up inside."

"It's my fault." I sighed, hot tears brimming my eyes.

"No, it's not. Their blood wasn't spilled by your blade." I took a deep breath but didn't answer him. I shook those memories out of my head. Not right now.

August sensed the shift in atmosphere and decided it was best to leave me be, "I'll let you collect your thoughts. I'll. Be with the rest of the army if you ever need me." With that, he walked out of the office and I felt myself release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

This rescue mission is more personal than I had anticipated. The bold letters in the clue spelled out Calflalm.

The Kingdom of Calflalm is not known to the public. Only a couple hundred people know what it is and where to find it. Which explains why I'm the only one here who knows about it. Calflalm is a restricted kingdom. Only the strongest people of the world could enter.

I felt my body shake violently as memories of that treacherous night resurface. I could smell it again.  I could smell the metallic iron smell that rotted into the walls and air of my old home. I could still hear the dead silence that followed as I yelled for them. I could hear the creaks in our wooden floor and I ran through the home ragingly.

Their pale faces were burned into my brain. Their cold dead eyes haunted me every night. Reminding me of what I had done. Reminding me I would never forget, that I could never forget it.

In their blood was written on the walls, "Come find me."

Red smeared down the wall where my mother and father sild down to the ground, legs too weak to support them. Rivers of blood poured from their throats and gaping holes in their chests gasped to be closed.

Bloody handprints on both sides of my older sister Soleil's slack, unconscious, face where they had grabbed her to try to keep her grounded from the pain. A large gash sliced her body from top to bottom.

My younger brother Alistair with internal bleeding laid on his back. Evidence of his last breath was evident, as deep red splattered upward on his lips from when he coughed.

And then the one I'll never forget. My young sister Ayah hung from the ceiling with a polished arrow piercing through her pale skin. Her eyes were opened and stared at me with ultimate  emptiness. No blood in sight except the single trail of blood from her nostril.


Author Note!

Chapter FOURTEEN baby! It's was kinda dark sooo you're welcome :)

Thoughts >

Feelings >

Predictions >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: what's your favorite song(s) rn?

I am really obsessed with adventure times closing song rn...

why you ask?

*shrugs* honestly idrk...

CoMe AlOnG wItH mE! aNd ThE bUtTeRfLyS aNd BeEs! We CaN wOnDeR thrOuGh ThE foReSt AnD dO sO aS wE pLeAsE! (Can you finish it??)>

CoMe AlOnG wItH mE! aNd ThE bUtTeRfLyS aNd BeEs! We CaN wOnDeR thrOuGh ThE foReSt AnD dO sO aS wE pLeAsE! (Can you finish it??)>

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