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GRAZING MY fingers over the word of the old envelope, I felt a sense of urgency and uncertainty.

I couldn't help that creeping feeling of fear that hung in the air as I started at my written name. I didn't know who wrote it, and I wasn't sure if I wanted too.

I didn't recognize that handwriting.

I had visited my home in Calflam many times over the years, and never once was this envelope there.

Which only meant it's been placed in the last six months.

Before we left, I had asked Arley and Old man Kady if they had had new visitors on the island or near my family's house. And obviously, the answer was no.

As I looked at the envelope in my hand, I felt drawn to it. My want to open it outweighed my fear of who it could be from.

But I had to wait. Wait till we get back.

I couldn't let anything, no matter how big or small, distract me from what was coming.

Not only were we going in blindly, but we also were raided the Kings kidnappers hideout. If anything, it could be a trap and they could be waiting for us. But I highly doubt it.

The letter would just have to wait.

I set it down in the desk just as a knock sounded out.

"Yes?" I called, never removing my eyes off the envelope.

"It's time to leave." Arius yelled.

I placed the letter in the top drawer of the desk, locking it.

I stood up from my chair, grabbing all four of my daggers off the table and walked to the doors where Arius waited on the other side.

Placing the last dagger into its place, I opened the doors and met Arius big brown eyes. "Ready to go?" He asked me, handing me my sword.

Grabbing my sword from his hand, I could help but gaze at it, remembering when I first got it from Mrs. Dayholt.

The handle was a wooden grip textured with a creeping vine pattern, but varnished and smooth. The Amulet crest was carved into the hilt where the blade met the handle. My name was engraved in ornate cursive down the middle of the blade. It took almost the whole length of the sword. I slid it into its sheath, "Let's hit the road."

Together we walked down the marble hallway and I couldn't help but feel like this was the last time.

When we'd get to Laventhorpe, we'd defeat the bad guys, find King Kole and go home. Right?

I was dragged out of my thoughts as my eyes rested on the royal family standing at the base of the stairs, there to send us off.

When I reached the last step, I stubbed back as Princess Senara hugged me tightly. "Please come back safely." She whispered in my ear.

"I will. Promise." Why does that promise seem so empty?

She released me and Queen Aria caught my eye. She reached out for my hands, clutching them with all her might as tears welled up in her eyes. "Please. Bring my King back home."

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