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THE ONLY thing that disturbed the deadly silence was the clicking of our horses' feet against the stone road as we made our way to Kavan Castle.

We woke up at dawn the next day and continued to trek back home. No one has said a word. The queen said nothing to us but she did give us ugly side glances along the way. Throughout the course of our journey, her blazing fury seemed to settle down into a low simmering fire.

Kavan was a beautiful town, and I wish I had looked at it more when I came here the first time.

The town was littered in small brown homes and shops. Purple and yellow flowers decorated the flower boxes against the window shutters.

Men, women and children walked down the cobblestone roads with bright smiles on their faces. Big green trees stood tall on every corner.

We continued our way through the town and up to the castle gates, which opened upon our arrival.

"Finally. We are home." Evander groaned from inside his carriage. Even though this wasn't my home, I couldn't help but share his sentiment. What was meant to be a celebration had turned into a disaster. Each and every one of us was tired and grumpy.

I heard a sharp breath beside me. I looked at Leland who held an expression of relief on his face. His head was tilted back and his eyes were closed, soaking in the sun.

His pale skin seemed a shade darker from our trip and his white hair flopped into his face.
As if he saw I was watching him through his closed eyes he spoke, "What?"

"Is your hair naturally white?" I blurted.

He opened his green eyes and looked over at me. His eyes held amusement as he shook his head no.

"Really? Then what's your natural color?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Light Brown."

"Really. I can't imagine it. Why white?" I asked, "How did you even get it white?"

He shrugged, "Back when I was doing my assassin work, I had to go undercover. So I searched and found someone who claimed they could change the color. They called it bleaching. So I got it bleached, realized I liked it, and decided to keep it."

"I like it too. It suits you." I said.

Looking forward, there was a guard standing at the castle doors awaiting our arrival. He stood confidently, his hands folded behind his back.

Our horses and carriages came to a stop in front of the doors. I lifted my leg up and over the horse, landing on the stone road.

I ran my hand up the horse's neck as I made my way to his face. His dark brown hair shimmered in the lighting and his black eyes held much depth. I look at the pendent held under his neck by the chest strap.


"Thank you, Price." I thanked the horse, rubbing his forehead, "You accompanied me well." He winnied in response. I walked far enough away that the grooms could return Price to his home and watched everyone unload themselves from their transportation.
Queen Aria was the last to exit her carriage. She gracefully descended with a calm expression painter across her face.

AISLIN | IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora