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THE BLONDE woman sighed, "If you don't eat, you'll starve to death. A hunger strike will do you no good."

The king spat on the woman. His saliva and blood making a thick mixture that stuck to her face, "Since when do you care If I die or not?!"

The woman's face grew hot with anger, "How dare you! You filthy-"

"Calm down, my love." A man said appearing from the shadows. He looked exactly like the woman, just older. His blonde hair was shaved down to his head and a dark scar crossed his face. He handed her a piece of cloth to wipe off her face.

She took it aggressively and wiped off her face. The man took a step towards the king, placing his hand under his chin. Forcing him to look at him he asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Should I?" asked with an unimpressed tone.

The man chuckled at the king's hostility, "I wouldn't expect you to. You see this-" The man used his finger and traced the scar that was swiped across his face, "Any guess who gave this to me?"

"Does it look like I know?" The king sneered.

This caused the man to smile, a bone-chilling smile grows on his face. With a single name that passed the man's lips, the king froze.

"Aislin." The man said. "She gave it to me."

King Kole suddenly become wearier than before. If they were after his master, what could he do?

The king narrowed his eyes, "What does this have to do with me?"

The man chuckled darkly again, "You see, your the only student of hers we could find. Everyone has hidden from the world quite well."

The king scoffed, "So? I am sure you could have found them easily."

At this the man furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't know do you?"

At this, the king furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes into slits, "Know what?"

The man stilled for three full seconds before throwing his head back and bursting with laughter. His laughter bounced off the walls.

"How pitiful!" He exclaimed. The woman behind him chuckled as well.

"What? What aren't you tell me?" The king urged. Worry washing over his face.

The man looked into the king's eyes.
Humor filled his eyes like a glass of clear water, "Do you recognize the name...June Amulet?"

The king gasped and rage-filled him, "If you hurt her, I will-"

The woman smacked the king across the face, "You'll what? Kill us?"

The woman scoffed and the man continued, "You shouldn't have to worry about her."

The king sensed a tone in his voice, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" The man sighed with fake empathy, "She's dead. She died years ago."

The king felt as if someone splashed ice-cold water on him, "No! No! Your lying!"

The man shook his head, "I'm afraid I am not. He and her whole family died, the only one left was their daughter."

The king felt hot tears fill his eyes and the loss. To him, June was his first love. They could be together, no matter how much they tried. They split and walked their paths. They had a love for each other but once they found their other half, that life was just a distant memory. But even then, it still hurt.

When King Kole married his queen, Aria, he told her all about June. She respected the mutual agreement between them and she knew what it was like to have loved before him.

The king wept from the loss of her and her family. The only thing he could see through blurry eyes was the man's giant smirk.

"After you, two split she found out some exciting news!" The man said. He grabbed the king's chin and lifted him, "Do you know what that was?"

The king did not, so he remained silent.

"She was pregnant!" The man laughed.

The king froze all movements. The man's laughter filled his thoughts like the air he breathed.

If she was pregnant, then wasn't the kid his?

Why didn't she tell him? He would have helped her out, been in the child's life, it was his after all. The information he was receiving seemed too much to handle. He didn't know what to do.

The man stopped laughing but his sickening smile was still glued to his face, "Guess what her name was?"

The king thought hard for a second before his eyes widened and the man confirmed his fears, "Her name was Aislin."

The woman stepped forward with a smile of her own, "Your beloved Queen is holding a ball tomorrow and I shall stand next to her, hug her, and she won't even know that you were with me. When the time is right, I'll kill her."


Author Note!

Hi everyone, Mickey here!

Chapter seventeen babyyy! So uh SURPRISE!

I posted a little earlier then usual because I am going to by my car and I don't think i'll be able to post when my timer goes off lol

Thoughts >

Feelings >

Predictions >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Whats your biggest pet peeve?

excuse me while I get my list...*coughs* okay got it.

1. people being ✨stupid✨
2. people up in my ✨space✨
3. people ✨assuming✨things about me (that ticks me off to no end mind you)
4. People in ✨GENERAL ✨

 People in ✨GENERAL ✨

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