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THERE HE hung, soaked. Blood from his wounds oozed down his body and sweat from the intense heat in the atmosphere formed on his body. King Kole had been stripped of his garments and hung up for the world to see, the only thing covering him was his undergarments but even they didn't help him much.

He hung from the ceiling by his hands which were held high above him by thick metal chains. His feet were inches above the ground, but that small space seemed so far away from the King's point of view.

He hasn't eaten nor has he gotten proper rest. The only thoughts that consumed his mind were the ones of his family. Oh did he love them so? He hoped they were okay.

In pain and misery, his body screamed at him, for he had been whipped, battered, stabbed, and more. His body had undergone every sort of torture. The breaths of the king were ragged and ever so sluggish. But the king did not give up hope, for he knew that he would see his family again one day and that he would take revenge.

He wasn't able to find out who did this to him. He was just hoping they weren't after his family. They have not demanded anything from him. No cash, no treasures, no land at all. Twice a day, they just come in and beat him down. To the point of unconsciousness even. Their leader has never met with him, no, never.

He was the only one defending himself on the day of his abduction. The guards he trusted were the ones who turned their backs on him, laughing as he was taken away. He was uneasy from that day forward. With the men he most trusted with his life, they were the ones to give it up. As for the rest of his family, what does that mean?

The Kings' thoughts grew darker and darker as the hours passed into days. Like the blood that came out of his body. Since his thoughts replaced what he was lacking. From the other side of the steel room, he heard distant noises.

Hearing the sound of crying and grunting, screaming and pleading. He knew that he was not the only prisoner here, but the sound of the terror of others brought pain to his heart. He could have done something. He wanted to help so badly, but for his survival, what does that suggest? He had a family of his own to protect, citizens of his own.

His heart was aching because of such selfish thoughts. He was supposed to serve and protect everyone like a king, but his kidnapping was ample evidence of what kind of king he was. One that's weak. He didn't live up to his title, but he had hoped that he would someday.

He knew that his teacher was going to be upset with him because he didn't fight back at all, but he knew she was going to look for him. Because in all the kingdoms, she was the greatest woman known. She protected her students and the ones she cared about, even when she pretended not to care.

A slam echoed through the chambers that kept the king captive. The king didn't move his head to see his visitor nor did he care who it was. His interest only spiked when the sound of the footsteps was different than normal. Instead of stomping of a large man, it was the chickling heels of a female.

He used all his strength to open his lids and look at the woman that had stopped in front of him. Once his vision focused he truly looked at the woman.

A torch had been placed next to the king and the woman so they may see each other clearly, but that didn't help any, for her facial features were still hidden. From what he could tell, she had blond hair that was braided down her shoulder and had a dark grey suit on with an even darker cape.

"Hello, Kole." She said in her English accent. He groaned in response.

"Oh, my boys didn't play too rough, did they?" She lifted her perfectly manicured hand and brushed her fingers against his face.

"" The king wheezed, mustering the deadliest glare.

A smile was brought to the woman's face, "He's alive! Thank heavens! I was honestly getting worried about you."

" weren't." He coughed.

"Oh, but I was! See if you had died, my plan would have been ruined, and that wouldn't be good now would it," She said dramatically. She reached into the inside pocket of her suit and pulled out a handkerchief. She wiped the blood off his face, tracing his bone structure slowly. This angered the king. The smell of her cheap scent only fueled it.  He drew as much blood and saliva and spit aggressively on the woman.

Her face hardened immediately and anger blazed in her eyes. She brought the handkerchief to her face and wiped off the blood and spit from her face. In a swift movement, she punched the king in his gut with extreme power.

King Kole gasped as the air was knocked out of him and coughed up the blood that was pooling in the back of his throat. The woman's punch seemed somewhat inhuman. Kole could feel the break on his bone underneath her powerful fist.

She withdrew her hand and sighed, "Oh. Look what you made me do. I didn't want to hurt you, but you made me do it. Let's pretend it didn't happen. I didn't like how that went."

"Life doesn't work like that." he wheezed and coughed.

She got close to his face, nose to nose, and looked him dead in the eye, "It does now." She turned around swiftly, her braid hitting Kole clean across the face.

"Who are you!?" He sneered.

The woman smiled over her shoulder, "You wouldn't want to know."

"WHO ARE YOU!?" He demanded, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?"

She slowly stalked over to the chair against the wall. With a hard tug, Kole was sent higher into the air, still hanging from his wrists. His screams filled the air.

She walked up to him and grabbed the torch, "One day I will tell you my name, and when I do, It will be the last one you hear."

Then the torch's flame was extinguished sending the prison into darkness.


Author Note!

Hi Cuties, Mickey Here!


Thoughts >

Predictions >

Feelings >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Okay, today tell me an unpopular opinion >

I never liked One direction (but I know all their songs for some reason) nor do I like Harry Styles or Timothy. I can see why other people find them good looking, but they're just not my type. I don't see the hype.

But, you know who is the hype? Louis partridge. Yes bae. H-he...i-i.....* aggressively exhaled* *Chef kisses*

* aggressively exhaled* *Chef kisses*

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