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THE RATE at which Kingsley moved redefined speed. The slightest shimmer of light followed by a wooshing sound resulted in Kingsley, standing tense, sword drawn and resting on Divya's throat faster than I could blink.

The air around us shifted as the energy in the room heightened. Emotions ran wild among the group, ranging from anger to pure bewilderment.

"Die!" Kingsley's tone was void of emotion when she spoke. Méabh, Willow, and Blakely-Rose stood up instantly. An unspoken gravity flowed between them as they proceeded with Kingsley's words. Divya's eyes widened and she froze in fear.

"Kingsley! No." Willow said, holding his hands in front of him in a manner that was obviously meant to calm her.

"Kingsley, don't. We need her." Méabh said, trying to reason with her. She moved around the table slowly, attempting to edge closer, hand hovering over the handle of her bullwhip.

"Wait. I'm so confused. What's happening?" Arius asked, standing up as well. I rested a restraining hand on his arm to keep him where he was.

I didn't know what she said, but it obviously wasn't good. I wanted to just watch the scene play out. Something bad was going to happen if no one intervened, but I wasn't sure if I was the person to do it. "Kingsley. If she's telling the truth, Aislin is down there and we need this girl alive."

"Speak the truth, for your next few words will decide your fate." Kingsley's tone felt like an icy blade on my spine. Divya hadn't moved an inch and was struggling not to tremble against Kingsley's blade.

"I've been kept away in the dungeons for years. The man took me away from my home and threatened the lives of my parents if I tried to escape. I have been forced to work as his slave. I had no choice. I had to protect my Mātā and Pita. When he brought to me your friend, Aislin, I felt pity for her. She is a strong woman, but her spirit was beginning to break. She would never let anyone see, but when she was alone it became all too clear. I've known nothing but the undergrounds of this castle for most of my life, but Aislin gave me hope that I could see the sun shine again; gave me the courage to disobey the man's rules and leave."

"If it really is Aislin you speak of, prove it." Blakely-Rose reasoned.

Divya sighed, "Aislin said you all wouldn't believe me at first. She did say she trained most of you that way. She has a birthmark on her wrist."

"Which wrist?" Zion demanded.


"Everyone knows she has a birthmark on her wrist. What you say means nothing." Kingsley spat. "I should take your life to spare the world from your ignorance."

"Wait! No, don't!" Divya winced. "I have something else," She moved her right hand slowly toward the left pocket in her apron.

"Stop," Méabh commanded. Divya froze. Méabh approached Divya who had slowly lifted her hands in surrender and Kingsley, who stood as still and calm as mountain lake water. She reached into Divya's pocket and pulled something out. Méabh's body was blocking my view of the object, but I could see her shoulders tense. "Let her go, Kingsley."

Kingsley went to argue with her, but then laid her eyes on the item that Méabh had in her hand. Kingsley immediately put her sword away and took a step away from Divya who let out a breath like she had been holding it in her lungs for an eternity.

Silence pricked the air for a while. It filled our bodies like poisonous gas as it suffocated us. The anxiety of the situation worsened in the silence and it weighed us down, pushing us to a breaking point. Thousands of questions screamed for answers but they all went dull and hid from sight and sound once Méabh turned around. In her hand was a platinum pendant, and engraved was a family crest.

"The token of Lotus Amulet." Méabh breathed. "It was her, father's token. It's her only remaining physical connection to her family. She wouldn't surrender it to just anyone."

"It's her. It has to be." I breathed.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Evander boomed, his voice echoing off the stone walls and lifting the weight of the silence "Let's go end this." We all turned to Divya. "Lead the way."

I can't really explain the way I feel about Aislin; or the way it feels to have her ripped away from me. The closest thing that describes it I feel like I'm drowning without her. Like the oxygen has been ripped from my lungs and no matter what I do, I can't take in more. I don't know why I feel this way about her. I've never felt so reliant on another human to survive. The longer I am without her I realize that she is the only thing in this world that I truly need. I need her here, with me, right now. I need to get to her. I'll drown if I can't get to her.

"I will find you. I promise." I utter under my breath as I slam the door closed behind us.


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Do you love Divya or what?

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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