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THE LONG journey back to Kavan had everyone anxious about our arrival. I couldn't help but feel like we had wasted valuable time. Who knows what Aislin could be going through right now. She could be starving. She could be in pain. She could be... I shook my head, not wanting to think about the scenario that was going through my mind.

Arley seemed to calm down significantly since boarding the ship, and I could tell he grew more and more eager to find Aislin as the days went by. Kingsley and Blakely-Rose were the only people he truly knew well, so they stuck together, avoiding Zion as much as he could. He got along well with the rest of the crew, and I believe that Prince Grey now considers him a friend.

Overall it made me happy that Arley was able to fit in with the rest of us, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Nevertheless, I knew it would have warmed Aislin's heart to see someone she cared so much about getting along with the people she had befriended. And I was very glad to see that Arley no longer wanted to murder me... as much. He had come up to me the day after we set out and apologized for his rash behavior at the tavern but he had made it very clear that he would not hesitate to hurt me if he found out I had anything to do with her kidnapping.

It was a slight improvement.

Night had fallen and most were below deck sleeping soundly. A few members of the ship's crew had remained on deck to watch over the ship while everyone rested.

Anxiety was stirring in my stomach like a thunderstorm which prevented me from sleeping soundly. And the seasickness didn't help.

I sat on the floor of the forecastle deck, slipping my legs through the railing, and resting my head against the pillars. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the ship, the wooden deck creaking with the movement of the vessel, and the occasional whispers of the wind brushing past. The sky was clear as glass, and the stars flickered like candles while the moon glowed steadily on the horizon.

I gazed up at the moon and couldn't help but let the words of my heart flow. "I know you're somewhere out there, and I promise I'll find you." I want her back. Back in my arms, back in my life, back to me.

"I am talking to the moon..." I whispered. I must have lost my wits. "Am I a fool, who sits alone talking to the moon, in hopes that you're on the other side talking to me too?" Could Aislin even see these stars too? See the moon? Would she even talk back?

The numbness that had been weighing heavy on my chest had twisted into pure wet anger. I was angry at myself for not protecting her. I was angry at her kidnappers for even thinking about taking her. I was just... angry. And with that anger came the tears. I always was envious of those who could be angry without shedding a tear. Those with dry anger.

Water began to collect on the bottom lid of my eye and in my eyelashes making it hard for me to see properly. A familiar pressure grew in my chest that closed my throat and made it hard to breathe. I placed my hand on my heart and gripped the fabric of my shirt with everything in me. I continued to grip my shirt tighter, releasing my grip and collecting more fabric each time my hand curled, trying to release that tightness in my chest that I couldn't seem to reach.

If the roles were switched, could I be as strong as Aislin would be at this moment? Instead of crying she'd be picking herself up and finding a way to save me. I wanted to be like that, but for the life of me, I can't find the strength to get up off the floor.

The sound of footsteps reached my ears but at this point, I didn't even care who saw me. All I did was close my eyes and lower my head, my hair falling to cover the sides of my face. The footsteps stopped and whoever it was sat down next to me. Opening my eyes, I looked up at August who had just sat next to me. He lifted one of his arms and wrapped it around my shaking shoulders, in hopes to give me comfort. A couple of seconds went by in silence before he removed his arm from my shoulders and replaced it with his hand.

"We will find her. I promise you." Even though I couldn't find the strength in me to respond at the moment, I was grateful for him. August didn't stay long and ended up leaving me in silence which I was grateful for.

I looked back up at the moon and at that moment I knew that I would do whatever it took to find her.


Author Note!

Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars anyone???

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: I'm thinking about getting a new cover for Aislin, are we feeling it?

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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