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WE ARRIVED at Kavan within an hour of dawn. Méabh and Kingsley gathered the few belongings they brought and observed their surroundings as we all stepped off the boat after docking in the harbor.

Kavan may have been a bigger Kingdom, but the docks were small.

A single wooden pier stretched far out into the sea, with small docking slips lining either side. Boats of all sizes were coming and going. Kavan itself was known for its gloomy outside appearance.

The sea mist settled around us, looming over us like a cloud. The actual clouds rested low to the ground, giving the illusion that all you had to do was reach out and you'd touch them. The clouds looked heavy with rain, their fresh tears ready to fall.

The loud footsteps of the seamen and my own crew shook the dock heavily, and the sound filled my ears. Men ran around like chickens without heads, yelling commands only years on a ship will teach you.

One by one, everyone made their way down the gangplank. Starting with me and ending with Arius.

Mèabh looked at me with a bored expression as she stood next to me. Evander and her have been at each other's throats since they met. I couldn't help but snicker every time. It may have been torture for her, but it was entertaining the rest of us quite nicely.

He may be a prince, but he underestimates everyone around him. Either that, or he overestimates himself. It's always fun to see him get put back in his place.

Kingsley reached us and stood next to me as well with a tired, hardened look. As long as I've known her, she never slept well on ships. She maybe got 2-3 hours of sleep max. You could see it was affecting the way she was acting. Even the ever-optimistic August could tell.

He kept asking if she was okay and he always got the same answer. Whether or not he was satisfied with that answer, I wouldn't know.

Leland has been sick as a dog for the last couple of days. I couldn't help but feel worried for his health. I tried my hardest to make sure he was taking care of himself.

Blakely-Rose and Grey have been attached at the hip since day one, and none of us blamed them. They were shy, but cute together. Let's hope his mom won't mind too much.

I watched Blakely-Rose's face light up with excitement. She sprinted past all of us, leaving us in a dust-cloud of confusion and shock.

"WILLOW!" She yells. I turn my head and catch a glimpse of his crimson hair.

"BLAKE!" He yelled in return, opening his arms for her.

She latched onto Willow, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he closed his arms around her. They both had huge smiles on their faces that did nothing but melt my heart.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Grey's smile falter and he stiffened. I mentally chuckled.

We all made our way towards them, and on our way I noticed three other figures coming up behind them.

Queen Aria, Princess Senara and Prince Koa appeared out from the spacious grey fog with smiles on their faces.

The Princess and I made eye contact and I could help but smile; her smile is contagious. Her pace quickened until she was running down the dock in her heels.

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