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TW: Vivid depictions of blood

"RING-A-round- a-rosies. A pocket is full of posies. Ashes. Ashes. We all fall." There the little girl sat, criss-cross as she sang softly and slowly.

Her dark straight hair lay on her shoulders and her pale skin was glowing.

She sat in utter darkness with a small white rose in her hand. "Ring-a-ring-a-rosies..." She sang this melody while she stared off into the thick darkness. She felt like she was sinking. But into what exactly? "A pocket full of posies."

She fell into the darkness like quicksand. What she thought was darkness was black water filling up past her waist. The little girl looked up and around to she struck inside a glass prison. Nowhere to run. The dark water continued to rise, but the little girl wasn't scared. She sat there, looking empty. If one stares into her eyes, one would only see what we all already knew. She was heartless. Gutless. Completely and utterly lifeless inside.

The dark water went past her temple. Her eyes were still open. Opened her mouth letting in the black water. The only thing she could taste was metal fragments. For this water was not water.. no. But blood. Whose?

The little girl took a breath in, in hopes of feeling something, perhaps the feeling of the blood around her filling her lungs or the feeling of her muscular giving out because of the lack of oxygen, but nothing. So instead of sitting there inside of this thick dark liquid, she swam through it.

She was gliding through it. Her movements were quick, slicing through the blood. The thick dark blood.

She swam down and deeper into the blood around her, till she swam out of it. Her body seemed to have been pushed out of the liquid. Her feet landed on a hardwood floor. She took a step forward and looked down. A puddle of the thick liquid stayed at her feet, unwilling to capture her again.

The little girl followed the pool of blood. She eventually stopped in the living room of a familiar house. A way to a familiar home.

The room was dark. She reached for the light switch which was where she remembered it to be. She ran her fingers over it and before flicking it on, she felt something light drop on her skin. Then it happened again. And again. And again. She looked as saw...ashes. Deep black charcoal ashes falling from the sky, like snowfall. The roof of the home was gone, instead replaced with the blackness.

"Ashes. Ashes..." the girl whispered.

"Ashes. Ashes." A voice behind her mimicked. She turned around slowly coming face to face with herself, just older.

Her older self keeled down to the floor, becoming at eye level with herself.

She examined her older self closely. She looked tired and worn. Her eyes held the same pain her younger self held. Except the older self was different. One might have thought her eyes were blazing like a pit of fire.

"Aislin." both girls whispered.

The longer she stared the deeper she was consumed. She was pulled out of her trancelike when she felt something drip on her shoe.

She looked down at her shoe to see a drop of blood that had splashed. She looked up to her older self, realizing she was the source of the blood drip. Blood began to flow out of her mouth, like a waterfall. The blood dozed through her teeth while she cracked a smile. The black liquid became to crawl out of her head ducts and travel down her face.

Her older self released gargling noises as well as small gasps. She was wanting air but was giving blood instead.

She watched as her older self drowned in her blood. In their blood, and fell to the floor.

Where their heart should be, a black stain arises on her older self's shirt. It oozed out into the shirt material and traveled down the fabric's veins and valleys.

Like a virus.

With the slight rise of the young girl's finger, the light switch turned on the bright light, but the brightness didn't affect the little girl, not at all. What her mind was stuck on was who was on the end of the endless pool of blood.

There in that room laid her parents, eyes open, shock clear on their faces, holes in their chest and foreheads, seeping with black goo.

One would imagine the little girl running. To cower away at the gory sight. But not The once white rose she had in her hands all along dropped to the floor, as well as the rest of her human emotions. That white rose became stained with the color of her parent's blood. The liquid crawled up the veins on the flower until it was fully consumed. She was lifeless, slipping into darkness when those last words left her dying lips.

"We all fall."


Author Note!

Hi everyone, Mickey here!

Chapter 1 to the 5 babies!

Thoughts >

Feelings >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: favorite food???


I actually stole this chapter from a book I wrote an ended up unpublishing it because I lost ideas for it. It took 4 months to get to 600 reads with 14 chapters and it took Aislin 3 weeks to get to 600 reads with only 9 chapters lol. I think that in itself says something...

 I think that in itself says something

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