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WITH A loud bang, Prince Evander walked into my room with an irritated look.

His dark skin shined underneath the lighting of the room. The waves in his dark curly hair sparkled. He kept his gaze towards the floor, not once looking at me, "You asked for me?"

I huffed placing my hands on my hips, "I did but how can I speak to you if you do not look at me, hmm?"

He seemed to grow even more impatient. His want to leave weights more heavily than anything. He looked up from the floor and up to my eyes, and that's when his whole body froze and went rigid.

I followed his line of sight and looked down at my body.

I wore a simple white ruffled button-up shirt that was semi-see-through with high-waisted dark blue pants that hugged my figure, and black boots that went up to my knees.

I sighed and lifted my hand to fix the cuff on my sleeve, "Let me know when you are done."

He snapped his eyes back to mine that held an unamused look and an unimpressed raised eyebrow.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and put his hard exterior back on, "What do you need from me?"

I sighed, my heart aching, "I figured out our next destination."

His eye lit up with anticipation, "Really? Where are we to go?"

"The Kingdom of Calflalm. We are to leave the morning after the ball." I replied trying to hold the bile in my throat from rising.

Evander's face pulled together, "Calflalm? As in the one that has produced all of the legendary warriors, Calflalm?"

"Yes." I nodded, my stomach knotting together.

"How are we to get in? Only certain people may enter due to their warrior bloodlines. I do not have a strong enough bloodline to enter."

"You may not, but I do," I stated matter-of-a-factly.

His eyes grew wide then narrowed suspiciously, "I highly doubt that."

I raised an amused eyebrow, "Oh?"

"You may be "Aislin, The infamous warrior," but spreading such lies is unacceptable." He fumed.

I continued to stare at him. I chuckled underneath my hand, "You are quite interesting."

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, let's pretend that you do have such a 'blood line', whose bloodline is running through your veins?"

My face hardened as I stepped closer to him. He was cracking with each step I took closer to him. I stopped dead in front of him, our noses touching and breathing colliding. My eyes were voided of emotion and he could see it, and it scared him.

"The blood running rapid in my veins is the blood belonging to every member of the Amulet family. My family." I sneered.

His face paled at my family name, "A-Amulet?"

"The next time you call someone a liar, you should be prepared for the consequences." With that, I swiftly brought my knee to his stomach. "Doubt me, and you lose everything."

He groaned and fell to the floor. He looked up at me with a pain-filled expression. He opened his mouth to resort but I interrupted, "It'd be wise to hold your tongue your Majesty, or I will have it."

I simply walked out of my room and into the hallway. I turned my head to see Arius struggling to contain his laughter. That brought a smile to my face.

"Arius?" I called. He immediately sobered.

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