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THE SMELL of metallic blood awoke Aislin from her state of unconsciousness.

Her body felt heavy, like her limbs weight one hundred pounds each. Her body was tired, and her eyes wouldn't open. She struggled to pry them open but they stayed shut as if glued. Waves of throbbing, nauseating pain pulsed within her abdomen and she felt like her breakfast would return to her in an instant.

Her head felt heavier and heavier as each pulse of throbbing pain pounded her senses over and over again. An overwhelming feeling of dread took over and for a moment she thought the pain would only get worse and worse.

She paused for a brief moment, contemplating all she had fought for and all she could lose if she gave up now.

With a slight flick of her wrist, she heard the metal chains clanking together and echoing in the room. She was chained to the ceiling, being hung by her wrists.

Her head felt eerily light, everything seemed to spin around her in a blur of motion and her legs could barely carry her as she tried to stand. Maybe giving up was the right choice, "always listen to your body" her mother always said. Her legs gave out from under her and she dropped to the floor.

She shook her head, hoping to clear the fog in her mind, but it only created a horrible migraine for her. Confusion rattled every part of her being. The last thing she could remember was Leland.

The quick confusion left as her memory, though hazy, pieced itself back together.

She had been kidnapped.

All her training rushed through her mind at once. Despite the pain, she lifted her head and looked around for a way to escape. Despite her best efforts, there was no visible way in or out. She couldn't help but notice how similar the dungeon looked, she had seen it before.

There was no way she was in Laventhorpe. She knew that the battle did a number on the already demolished city. She couldn't be in the same dungeon as the king..could she?

A sickening feeling hit her in the stomach. She knew something was wrong. They found the King so easy, and after the chase, they went on, why would they just hand him over?

"I've been waiting for you to awaken." a deep voice echoed. Aislin stilled. She lifted her head towards the voice and saw a dark figure, sitting casually in a chair.

"Who are you?" Aislin questioned and then regretted it. Her throat was raw and sore. Just those three words hurt and brought tears to her eyes.

The mysterious person chuckled darkly in the corner of the room. They stood up and walked towards her slowly. Like a predator stocking their prey. Aislin tried to keep her head up to look into the face of her capture, but she didn't have enough strength to do so.

She closed her eyes, wishing the pain away. The footsteps ceased, and a hand lifted her throbbing head. "Open your eyes."

And she did. She had to blink away the blurry like film in her eyes, and the man's face became clear. She locked eyes with a man she never would have expected.

"Scarface." She spat. Tyrone. The Duke of Ecrin. A sinister smile broke out on his face. He looked the same as he did when they first met. His dirty blonde hair sat on top of his head, and his grey-ish blue eyes pierced Aislins for the second time, and the deep scar that ran down his face seemed to glow in the light of the torches that were lit around the room. From his left eye to the bottom right corner of his face, it reached. Seeing this brought a nostalgic feeling to Aislin once again.

"Hello, Aislin. How's it hanging?" He said, laughing at his joke.

"That was a horrible joke." She deadpanned.

He stopped laughing immediately, "No, it wasn't."

"Yes. It was." She argued.

"No. It wasn't." He snarled.



"Oh, do shut up." A woman's voice said from behind aislin. Her blood ran cold. There was no way she was here. She shook her head hoping to clear all her doubts but the voice echoed in her perfectly working ears and she knew she couldn't miss hearing her.

Scarface dropped Aislins head from his grasp and scoffed, "Whatever. Have your fun then." He walked away to lean against the wall, staring at Aislin and the woman behind her.

Her head dropped immediately and she didn't have the will to lift her head as the woman behind her made to aislin slowly. Maybe if she didn't see her, it wouldn't be true. It couldn't be.

The woman stopped behind Aislin and pulled against the chains holding her up, causing her to spin around. The woman grabbed ahold of Aislins chin once Aislin was facing her, and yanked her head up.

"Look at me." The woman spoke.

Aisin began shaking. She had never felt this kind of fear before. She shook her head and croaked, "N-No."

"LOOK AT ME!" She yelled and Aislin flinched back.

Reluctantly she opened her eyes and regretted it immediately. Her blonde hair was in her generic braid, and her piercing seafoam eyes shook Aislin to her core. She stared into the eyes of her best friend Elowen.

And for the second time in her life, Aislin had broken into pieces and she didn't know if she could be fixed.


Author Note!

Hello, My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: If you're in school, what's your grade lookin like? If your not, what were your grades like?

I have ALMOST straight As. Geometry hits different, and not in a good way. but I got a B so that's what matters.

I got my GPA for last semester. 3.14.

y'all I'm a smart chicken nugget.

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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