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GLASS BREAKING screams awoke me from my light slumber.

Reaching underneath my pillow, I grasped the dagger in my hand and jumped up from the spot in the floor I was sleeping on.

The campfire in the middle of us had died out but the sun began to kiss the land as it rose into the sky. Everyone who was once sleeping around the fire was awake and ready to attack.

Even Mèabh jumped down from her spot in the tree beside us.

Looking for a threat I saw nothing. Nothing but a shirtless buffoon who had fear carved into his face.

August looked at all of us and realized the situation he was in. "There was a spider." He said nervously.

Everyone let out their groans and incoherent mumbles of anger, and returned to their sleeping spots.

Kingsley walked over to August who was pouting. "Where is this "Spider"?" she asked teasingly.

He glared at her through his lashes. Then pointed down, "On my blanket."

Kingsley gripped the blanket in one hand and shook it with all her might. The big black widow was launched into the air and August ran the moment he laid eyes on it again.

Kingsley stood as still as calm water, pulling out her Katana, and slicing the spider in half with one fluid motion. Her Katana clicked back into place right as the spider hit the ground.

She looked over at August, whose jaw had dropped as he peeled out from behind a tree.

"You're okay now, big baby boo."

August's eyebrows furrowed as The syndicate laughed, not understanding her mother tongue. "What did you just call me?"

No one replied to August's question and only snickers were heard.

"I'm serious, you guys!" He exclaimed with confusion, "What did she say?"

I shook my head of tiredness and my small ounce of laughter. After sliding on my boots, I began packing up my sleep spot, folding my blankets and packing them away in my saddle bag.

Running my hand along Price's neck, I reached his face. I scratched underneath his jaw, "Did you sleep well, hmm?"

He snorted and nudged me with his nose.

I chuckled, petting the top of his head, "Yeah, me too."

Hearing footsteps in the grass behind me, I turned around and saw Leland approaching me. His hair was disheveled from the late night, and he tried his best to fix it, running in fingers through its pure whiteness.

Once he stopped in front of me, his emerald green eyes caught my sea blue ones. "Hey."

"Right back at you."

"When do you think we'll reach Laventhorpe?" He asked.

I shrugged, "We should arrive around noon, if we leave now."

"Alright," He nodded. He leaned closer to me, "What did Kingsley call him?"

I snickered, "She called him a big baby."

Deep laughter rumbled out of his chest, "Yeah sounds like him."

I nodded in agreement and continued to pack. "Will you please get everyone ready for departure?"

He nodded and began to walk away, "No problem, boss." Leland began to shout orders to the army that was camping around us in the open field.

The field was clangous as each man disassembled his own tent, packing away their things and helped their fellow neighbors do the same.

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