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ZION CLOSED the door to the office softly behind him. Everyone in the room was clearly surprised at his sudden appearance. I stood up a little straighter, as well as Kingsley and Mèabh.

"I know this is sudden." Zion said, seeming to regret the circumstances that brought him to us.

"It's alright. How can we help you, Commander Zion?" I asked. The syndicate and I were eager to know why he was here.

"I come bearing some rather sensitive information. I would like to start by offering my condolences to you all. I am well aware you are all close with my cousin, and her kidnapping impacts you as much as it does me." Zion cleared his throat, seeming unsure of how to continue.

"I assume you know about the letter by now and know that June Amulet is in fact alive. What you don't know is I have been in contact with her. Before June left that letter in the old house in Calflalm, she approached me during my time in Ecrin. She explained to me the situation, just as she did in the letter she gave Aislin." Zion paused, trying to read the room. I could practically see the smoke radiating from Mèabh's ears.

"I haven't been able to get in contact with June ever since Aislin disappeared. To say I am worried would be an understatement. When I found out Aislin was taken, I knew I couldn't keep this to myself." Zion scratched the back of his head nervously as he stared intently at the floor.

"You've been in contact with June this whole time?" Mèabh demanded in disbelief.

He nodded, "I have. I begged her time and time again to fund Aislin, but she was afraid of something. She wouldn't tell me what. Now that Aislin is gone, I don't know what to do. We're missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere."

The atmosphere was tense and it weighed heavily on each of us. Kingsley sighed rubbing her forehead with her left hand. Blakely-Rose stared at the floor in silence. Mèabh tapped her fingers thoughtfully against the bullwhip hanging on her hip.

Kingsley looked up and made eye contact with Mèabh. A conversation passed between them, unheard by the rest of us. Mèabh nodded affirmatively and Kingsley sighed heavily in response. "We have to go get him."

"Get who?" I asked, confused.

"We need someone who knows Aislin better than we do, and someone who knows June." Mèabh said, "The only person who meets those qualifications is Arley."

I crossed my arms over my chest and lifted an eyebrow. "I'm confused. Why Arley?" I questioned, casting a sideways glance at Zion who was nodding in agreement. He was her cousin. They had trained together their whole lives. Surely he knew just as much as Arley did and he was already here. No need to waste nearly a week at sea to collect a resource when we should have everything we need here in this room.

"Arley is the first friend Aislin ever made. He has known her from the beginning. He was there for everything, and he has good senses and can notice things nobody else does. Not only could we use the extra set of eyes to help us find her, but we need someone else who knows June. The death of the Amulet family hit him just as hard as it hit Aislin." Blakely-Rose explained.

"Okay, so we need to get Arley. How are we going to get there?" I questioned.

Suddenly the doors burst open, making everyone jump and turn to face the intruder. Prince Grey stood between the two doors with an eager look on his face. He raised his hand swiftly, "I'll do it! If Zion can get us through the Coil, I have a ship and a crew we can use." Blakely-Rose chuckled at Prince Grey's enthusiasm while everyone shook their heads in amusement.

"The Queen will not allow you to leave again," I stated.

'"Then we don't tell her! She's busy enough with Father being ill that she won't notice." Prince Grey shrugged.

"How is the King doing anyway?" Zion asked.

"The King is in the best condition he could be in right now. He was definitely poisoned, but the toxin never reached a lethal level. He's on a slow road to recovery as his body evacuates the residual poison. He is currently comatose, but he is receiving the best care possible. We can visit him before we leave if you'd like. It makes no difference either way. He can't hear us anyway." Prince Grey said.

"What about Evander? He may be busy since Koa disappeared, but he's bound to notice if we all vanish for a week." Kingsley said, shaking her head.

"I'll stay here and handle the gargoyle. He won't say anything to Her Majesty." Mèabh

"I can get us through the gate. I have the token of Amulet. Lotus gave Aislin and I each one. You've all already been there before so it shouldn't make too many waves." Zion offered.

"Get your crew ready," I said to Prince Grey. "We set sail at dawn."


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: What would be your "perfect" day?

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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