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THE WHITE skull and crossbones on the flag contrasted against the black flag. Under the pirate's flag flew the colors of the Glahmeel rebel alliance. At least we knew they weren't responsible for the King's disappearance. Whoever kidnapped the king wanted something very specific; something they couldn't get if we were all dead from pirate attacks.

I could feel the tension in the air rising as darkness fell. I found myself rubbing the birthmark on my wrist, an old nervous tick. If we kept the deck dark, maybe we could lose them after nightfall.

They were far enough away that the dark would make us difficult to track. It would also make them difficult to track. Most wouldn't dare to navigate unknown waters at night with no light above-decks, but most didn't have men like Gareth. You could blindfold him, move him, spin him around, and as soon as he was standing still, he could tell you what direction he was facing. Navigating the dark waters should be a piece of cake for him, the only issue would be making sure we were navigating away from the pirate ship... not toward it.

The minutes passing felt like hours. It would only be a matter of time. We were completely enveloped in darkness. Gareth was below decks in the mess hall with a lantern and a map. August and Arius took turns relaying his instructions to Grey who stood at the helm, holding the wheel with a steel grip. The pirate ship was completely lost in the darkness. Our only hope was that they haven't guessed our final destination.

The silence broke as an arrow sliced through the air and embedded in the railing with a distinct thunk.

"We're being boarded!" I yelled drawing my sword. "Get me some light on deck."

Immediately August, Arius, and Evander appeared with torches and started lighting the lanterns on the deck. As the illumination grew, I saw more arrows plant in the railing and heard the whir of ropes as men slid from the Glameelian ship to ours.

"To arms!" I commanded at the top of my lungs. Immediately the rest of our travel party came up from the cabins below deck, followed by the rest of the ship's crew. They may not have been trained in combat as the army had been, but sailors knew how to fight. They were used to defending themselves from pirates and the like. Even Leland came up the stairs, wielding his sword, staggering through his nausea.

Planks thudded onto the railing as the deck of the other ship became illuminated lantern by lantern. Men rushed across the planks, weapons were drawn. August had made his way up into the crow's nest. He had made it a sniper's nest. Leland staggered up to the second deck. He was sick, dehydrated, and in no condition to fight. He held his sword, but it hung limp at his side.

"Get Grey below decks. Get as far into the belly of the ship as you can. I don't want a hair on his head harmed, do you understand?" I commanded. Leland opened his mouth to protest, but I silenced him with a raised hand. "That is a direct order from your commanding officer, Commander." I barked, reminding him of his primary duty as a soldier; follow orders.

Leland snapped to attention. "Yes ma'am. Understood ma'am." He parroted for the millionth time in the last two weeks. I had drilled that statement into every one of those men. I knew it would save their lives if it was reflex to follow the orders of their commander. A good commander would keep them safe if they followed orders. I hoped one day Leland could fill that role, but for now, he needed to see the value of obedience.

Leland took Grey by the arm and pulled him toward the stairs with what little strength he had left. Grey opened his mouth as if to protest, but I shot him a look that made him think better of it. My fingers tingled. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It had been years since I had seen real combat. I drew my dagger from its sheath, the same one my father gave me. The long double-edged blade forged from silvery steel glistened in the torches' flickering light. I grabbed the only rope within reach and launched myself onto the lower deck.

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