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THE BALL was tonight. The castle was alive with activity. Everyone was putting in extra effort to get ready for the long night ahead.

Banners were being hung, food was being prepared, floors were being cleaned, plants and other decorations were being arranged, and the royal family was getting ready. The maids scrubbed the whole castle, not leaving a single hair untouched.

There was a palpable sense of nervous stress in the air. You wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't looking for it. It radiated from everyone you came into contact with. Only the castle's occupants were aware that the king had been taken. Hundreds of people were being welcomed to the royal family's house. They are jeopardizing not just their secret, but also their lives. Whoever kidnapped the king is still on the road, and may make an appearance tonight.

I was more cautious than necessary, but I couldn't afford to take any risks. Tonight was supposed to be enjoyable, allowing everyone to unwind, but instead, it will be a night filled with agitated sensations and fake smiles.

In my room, I paced back and forth. I twirl my dagger between my fingers. The lightweight weapon rocked back and forth between my knuckles. The dagger has a long double-edged blade forged from silver. The blade is fixed on a rich hilt of shinning gold metal with a smooth grip made of bluish crystal. A set of strange runes are carved into the blade near the spine. The blade appears brand new.

The corners of my mouth twitched upwards at the memories. My father gave me the dagger as my first present. I was seven years old at the time, and I've treasured this gift ever since.

I stilled my movements and held my breath at the sound of clicking walking up to my bedroom door. As I suspected, a gentle knock hummed through the air.

"Yes?" I called out.

"May I enter?" Princess Senara's buoyant voice  came through the door.

I nodded, then remembering she couldn't see me I yelled, "You may."

A sprightly princess practically skipped into the room as the doors swung open, a draft blowing across the floor. A colossal smile reached from ear to ear on her face. I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Hello!" She beamed. She shut the doors behind her and walked over to my bed. She plopped down on the edge and smiled up at me.

"Hi." I chuckled, "Are you excited for tonight?" I placed my dagger on the bedside table gracefully.

"I am! The ball is always so beautiful and so are the people. The flashy dresses and suits, the food, the atmosphere, it's all such a rare opportunity to have and witness. Even though we have one every year, it still feels like the first time."

"It sounds amazing." I mused.

Her smile fell slowly, "Are you not excited?"

I shook my head, "I am sure that it will be just as amazing as you say, but I am more concerned about it than excited."

"What do you mean?" She asked genuinely curious as she relaxed on my bed. I stared at her for a few moments. She was so excited about the ball I didn't want to ruin it for her. She noticed my hesitation and smiled at me, "It's okay to tell me, you know."

I sighed and began to explain, "It could be very dangerous. Not just for you all but everyone in the castle. The kidnapper is still out there and the ball is just brought unwanted attention to ourselves. The kidnapper might even show up tonight. So I am just going to be more alert tonight."

AISLIN | IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin