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WE HAD docked at Kavan a mere hour ago and everyone had gone to look for clues, digging deeper into the last three years of Aislin's life. I had no idea that there were books written about her life.

I didn't know where to begin, but I realized that there was an entire archive of history beneath the castle. And I knew just the person to help me find what I needed.

"Evander!" I called out. The sound of my boots slapping against the marble tile was fairly muted considering the fact I was running down the hallways.

Evander had just exited a doorway and was walking back to what I would assume was the library as he had books in his hands.

Calling out his name caught his attention, and he turned around with an expression of surprise. He hadn't realized that we returned.

His surprised expression turned to one of indifference. He stopped his stroll and calmly waited for me to catch up.

"Evander, old friend! How have you been?" I asked as I slowed my run to a jog and eventually came to a complete stop beside him.

He shrugged. "Can I help you?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It's well known that Evander isn't the..most friendly person to be around, but he never acted in such a way with me. I thought hard about why he'd be acting that way and then it made sense.

"Are you seriously that upset that we made you stay here?" I couldn't help but let a chuckle roll off my lips.

Evander scoffed, "As if I'd be upset about such a silly thing. I'm not a child."

"Whatever you say, my Prince. I can assure you that it was for your safety. Besides, I left you someone to keep you busy. Didn't you enjoy Mèabh's company?" I asked, nudging him with my elbow. I couldn't help the teasing tone that was laced within my words, for I knew I'd get a reaction out of him. And a reaction I got.

Evander's dark skin got a shade lighter as blood withdrew from his face. But it was soon replaced with a light pink tinge. I smirked, proud of myself for making him blush.

His blush was quick to go away after he saw my cocky expression and he rolled his eyes. "It's fine that you left me, and not because Mèabh was here. I was able to take care of a lot of documents in the Archives that had been collecting dust."

I clapped my hands loudly, "Ah! I am so happy for you. And since we are so casually talking about the Archives it reminds me that I need your help."

He sighed aloud, "I knew you wanted something from me. Well, what is it? Spit it out already."

"I need to look at any records you have on the Battle of Ruby."

Evander's attention was securely focused on me. He had lifted his eyebrows high and a grin tugged at his lips. Curiosity ran wild within his eyes.

"Okay." He responded coolly. He quickly turned around and started walking away from me.

I started to follow behind him as his pace slowly accelerated.

When we arrived at the Archives, Evander's quickly disappeared within the walls of the Archival Library and I was left behind to gawk. I had only been in here a handful of times, and I was always in awe. I walked towards a table more towards the center of the room and sat at the head of the table.

Evander's footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the shelves, so I patiently waited for his return.

I knew nothing about the Archives and how they worked. Though everyone in the castle had access to it, it was an unspoken rule that you didn't enter without asking Evander. You wouldn't be able to find anything anyway. Evander was the only one who understood the filing system.

I have reason to believe that the Archives are his sanctuary. His place of peace and quiet. The castle is always loud and full of people. They demand time and energy and decisions from him, follow him around, ask and ask and ask for more, and try to influence his decisions. So it makes sense that his work would be the place he'd come to be alone.

He is still human; he still needs to be alone sometimes too. He needs someplace to be himself.

Evander walked around a large bookcase with 5 books in hand. I stood to help him with them but he waved me away. The books slammed down and rocked the heavy wooden table.

"Alright. All these books have information about the Battle of Ruby." He grabbed two of the five books and began to open them. Both were thinner than the rest, the paper inside protected by a worn light brown leather with the exact same design along the spines.

Upon opening those books, the paper inside perplexed me, it wasn't just an ordinary book.

I watched as Evander laid both books down on their backs and began to unfold the paper within.

I stayed standing as I watched him work. Once both books were open and unfolded, I finally understood what I was looking at.

"This is a map of the area the battle engulfed." Evander began to explain pointing at points on the map, "Where this large river comes in from the northwest, is where the main trading would take place for the kingdom. And on the east side here, you'll see a brown circle."

"Yeah, I see it."

"That entire circle is the Battle of Ruby." He explained. "As you read about it, this map with help you understand where they were. For example, this large river is where the Syndicate entered the land. Originally there for trading."

"Wow." I breathed.

"Yep." Evander swung his hand swiftly and hit me in the back hard, "Better get to reading, you don't have all day."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He may be human, but he was an annoying human.


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️


I'm so ready to be done with this book lol
Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Favorite culture food?

I personally LOVE Mexican/Hispanic food but if you tell me we are going to get some Korean BBQ or like Ramen....oooooh girl you best believe I'd drop that Asada burrito real quick.

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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