Chapter Twenty-four

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 24


The sun shined bright and not a dreary cloud was in the sky as Carol pulled out of the parking lot of Velheim Couture Fashions, and back on to the boulevard.

James, having stayed in the car while his mom dropped off the paperwork, was anxious to know what had occurred inside.

"Soooooo, mom? You gonna keep it a secret, or are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Well, when I got up to Mr. Williams floor he was waiting for me at the elevator. He was quite excited to see me. He took me down one floor to a large office that sits straight across from the elevator. He asked me if I had signed the papers and when I handed them to him, he handed me an RFID passkey. I asked him what it was for and he said it was the key to my new office, the one we were standing in."

"Wait. What? he gave you your own office? No way, mom. That's awesome. I'm happy for you. You deserve it. So, what's it like? Is it small? Does it have a window?"

"Sweetheart, It's a huge office and no, it doesn't have a window."

"It doesnt,"  James asked in  reply, sounding disappointed. "That sucks Why not?"

"Because," Carol began with a grin, "one whole wall,, the exterior wall is made of solid glass panels, with a gorgeous view of the downtown area and the river. I absolutely love it. It has this gigantic glass and chrome desk and an electronic fireplace. Guess what else he's giving me?"

"A generous monthly allowance you can only spend on your kid?!?"

"No silly, My own receptionist!"

"No way."

"Yeah. And I get to hire the person too."

"Mom," James paused.


"You know who would be perfect for the job?"


"Taia. Don't you think so?"

"I don't know . . . Well, she is looking for a better job, but would she want it."

"I bet she would. You should tell her to submit a resume and then you could hire her."

"You know, I haven't talked to her in a few days. I'll call her later and see if she and Becca want to go to dinner tonight. We can tell them the good news then."

"Hey, mom? Can we all come back after dinner and see your new office?"

"I don't see why not. Sure."

"Oh, and we need to go by an office supply to get you some things for your office. You are going to need to decorate your office as well. You know that interior decorator store in that shopping center right outside the mall? We're going to need to go there today, too."

"Wait! Hold on a minute. We don't have to do it all today. My first day of work in my new office is next Monday, so we have three days to take care of that. Right now let's concentrate on your appointment with Dr. Camibal."

"Have you seen the time, mom? We've got another hour and some change before my appointment, you made us leave way too early."

"I didn't know how long I'd be at work and I didn't want to be late for your appointment."

"Okay, so I have an idea. We've got the time, so how about we go by Makylis' Interiors and just look. "

"I guess we could, but just to look."

Carol really had no intentions of buying anything, but she knew that James would keep on and on about it until they at least went, so she agreed. She checked her side view mirror and proceeded to change lanes so she could take a turn at the next intersection.

One hour and $485 later Carol and James emerged from the store pushing a shopping cart filled with items for Carol's office.

They loaded the items into the car and proceeded on to Dr. Camibal's office.

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