Chapter Four

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by sabrynabrooklynne

Chapter 4


Back in the car, James and his mom were now ready to continue on to Fashion Towne Mall.

Sitting there quietly as they pulled out of the salon parking lot, James listened to his mother go on and on about how well they had fooled his Gram and how beautiful his new nails were.

James looked down at his nails. He wouldn't admit it to his mom, but he did agree with her that they were very pretty. Without looking away from his new nails, he reminded his mom of the money she now owed him.

Continuing to admire them, his thoughts drifted to the near future, and what was about to happen.

He was still terrified of the idea that his friends might see him with his mom and figure him out, but he also knew there was nothing he could say that would change his mother's mind now. And, not only that but after the way he had just fooled his own grandma, maybe he could safely fool everyone at the mall too. His confidence level was definitely higher now than it had been before visiting Beauty Bar.

As soon as Carol pulled into a mall parking space and put the car in park, James quickly gave her a peck on the cheek, grabbed his clutch from the center console and headed off towards the mall entrance, alone. She was surprised that he took off so quickly, but then she knew he had his heart set on that new computer, as their old one was unable to handle the latest MMORPG's he was dying to play.

Carol observed her son making his way across the parking lot in three-quarter inch chunky heels. She was impressed with the grace of his walk. She knew she hadn't moved that well in any kind of heel when she was his age.

Exiting the car herself, Carol proceeded towards the mall. When she reached the computer shop, she paused just inside the door and heard the young sales clerk openly attempting to flirt with her child.

She glared at the young man. He saw her looking at him and he stopped flirting. She could only imagine having to have 'the talk' with her son - about boys. She shuddered.

James, meanwhile, was oblivious to the fact that the guy was trying to flirt with what he thought was a pretty girl in front of him. He did, however, notice how the guy didn't seem to be aware that he wasn't a girl.

James began to wonder if everybody had lost their mind today. Could they not tell from a mile away, that he was a boy in a dress? To him, he felt it would be obvious, but for some reason, nobody else seemed to notice anything odd about the girl he was pretending to be.

Completing the purchase, he started to pick up the computer boxes, when the sales attendant stopped him.

"Oh no. I can't let a cute girl carry these boxes out by herself. After all, they're heavy. Besides, I wouldn't want you to mess up your beautiful nails. After you," the guy was once again flirting heavily with James, as he picked up the boxes.

Turning around to head for the door, James heard a voice in his head reminding him of everything Rebecca had taught him about walking like a girl: legs together, one foot in front of the other, smaller steps, let your heel hit the ground first then roll your foot forward, lower your center of gravity to the hips.

Passing by his mother, who was now headed towards the store exit that led into the mall, she told him, "Jessica, I'll meet you at the Portrait Studio. Oh, and there's a set of car keys in your purse."

Reminded by her comment that he had been carrying a purse, James looked down at his hands only to realize he was no longer holding it. He had left it by the register.

Turning around, he quickly retrieved the small clutch and called out to his mother, "Be there in a few minutes, mom."

James led the store clerk out to where the car was parked, his chunky wood finish heels making a distinctive popping sound on the asphalt with every step.

As he walked, he reached in the clutch bag. With his focus on retrieving the car keys, he didn't notice several boys and a couple young men he walked past had turned to look at the pretty young lady passing by.

He was so into playing a convincing role and not getting discovered that he didn't realize the way his thighs brushed together as he walked was causing his hips to sway a little more than they should have.

From just inside the mall, his mom watched him cross the parking lot. None of what was happening around him was lost on her. She could see that her son in a dress and heels, was an attractive sight. She decided that right now he was probably more beautiful looking than she ever was at his age.

James opened the trunk and the sales clerk placed all of his stuff in the car. Waiting for the guy to arrange everything so the trunk would close, James stood there with his head down, hoping to not attract any extra attention to himself. James tipped the guy five dollars when he was done.

Turning to leave, and without any eye contact, the sales clerk took the tip from James' hand. He was again admiring James's beautifully manicured nails as he replaced the tip with a piece of paper before quickly walking away.

James looked down at the paper. It was the lay-a-way ticket. He began to fold it up when he noticed across the back, a handwritten name and cell phone number along with the words, 'call me.'

James told himself that this guy wasn't as cool as he thought he was. Had he been paying attention he would have seen the lay-a-way ticket said James Conner in big black letters.

How unobservant can he be? It isn't like James is a girl's name now is it, James thought.

Placing the paper in his clutch and closing the trunk, James turned back towards the mall with his heels, again delicately popping against the asphalt.

The wind gently blew his hair around and flirting with the hem of his skirt as he crossed the lot. More aware of his surroundings this time, he noticed the head-turning of males as he passed and it caused him to feel quite self-conscious and very uneasy. He just wished they would quit staring.

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