Chapter Thirty-seven

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 37


Rebecca and James together had a conversation with Carol about the attack and his feelings. It included a lot of tears and hugs.

Once it was done Rebecca believed that it went a lot better than James had expected. But there were things left unsaid that Rebecca didn't know.

On the surface, Carrol was accepting and supportive of James and his decision, yet inside she was crushed, genuinely heart-broken over losing her daughter, Jessica. If she were to be completely honest with herself, she absolutely did not want James to return, yet she knew the truth was that she didn't have a choice.

James, through all of this, never told anyone that he was physically injured in the attack. He hoped that his injuries would begin to heal and he would never have to tell anyone, even though, throughout the night, a dull throbbing pain never let him forget the injury was there.

That night as Carol readied for bed she began to think about ways she might convince James to return to Jessica. She thought about subtle things she could do that would affect him without him knowing she was trying to influence him; like being withdrawn and distant and not as open and loving as she had been with Jessica. The counselor; Dr. Cammabil, could maybe help him to see that he's making the wrong decision, she thought.

Carol lay there in the dark, her thoughts turning to downright questionably deceptive ideas that she would only ever consider trying if nothing else worked.

As she drifted off to sleep she began to think about finding a way to give James a daily dose of female hormones. The idea being that the hormones would accelerate the feminization of his body by softening his skin, widen his hips, causing him to become more emotional and--- before she could complete her thought she drifted into a dream.

In her dream, it was several years in the future and Jessica was living a life most girls could only dream of. She was one year post-op from Gender Reassignment Surgery, on the cover of several fashion magazines, and quickly becoming famous online among boys and fashion-conscious girls.

She had guys hitting on her every time she left the house and most girls either hated her for her beauty or wanted to be her. It was everything Carol could ever want in a daughter and more.

The following morning, just as every morning since the attack, James awoke in the wee hours with a dull throbbing pain between his legs. This morning though, the pain was different. It was far more severe and accompanied by a painful burning sensation.

James managed, after some difficulty, to roll over and out of the bed. By the time he stood, tears had formed in his eyes. Unable to completely straighten up, he slowly, painfully headed towards the stairs, ready to take more of the pills he had been using to manage the pain.

Finally making it to the kitchen, James stopped and leaned against the counter, the pain nearly unbearable. Taking a deep breath he opened the cabinet door to reach for the pills and his heart sank. The pills were not there.

Thinking he might have placed them on a different shelf, he checked again. The pill bottle wasn't on that shelf either. He began to panic as he frantically searched the rest of the cabinet.

He knew he had put the pills back yesterday. He stopped to compose himself and was about to recheck where he had already looked when he heard the bottle rattle behind him.

Spinning around he came face-to-face with his mom. She stood there holding the bottle in front of his face.

"Um, h-how did y-you know, mom?" he asked nervously, his voice cracking.

"Well, this bottle of pills had been in the same spot, turned the same way for weeks and two days ago I noticed it had been moved, so I counted the pills inside. This morning I saw that it had been moved again, and I counted again only to find out that some had been removed. Then after our talk, it wasn't hard for me to figure it out. . . So, you're doing drugs now, Jess-a, James? What else are you taking that I don't know about?"

"Nothing, mom. I'm not taking nothing else."

"Tell me why. Why are you taking pills?"

"Mom," James began as he broke down crying. "I n-need them. I'm in pain, bad pain."

"Pain? What are you talking about?"

"Mom, I didn't want to worry you with this, but when I was attacked, I was injured."

Hearing this caused Carol to become really upset and at the same time afraid; afraid of what might have been done to her baby. "Dear lord, what did they do to you? Are you okay? Who, who stacked you,"" she replied in a panic.

"I got kicked in the groin and, and was cut."

"Cut! How bad is it? Let me see."

"Mom, it's a deep cut and I think it's infected."

"I said, let me see it," Carol responded impatiently.

James didn't like the tone with which she had responded and it made him nervous. Slowly he lowered his sleep pants and pulled down the white cotton panties he was wearing.

James gently lifted his penis so that his mom could see the cut. His face displayed obvious discomfort.

Leaning over to get a good look, Carol was horrified at what she saw; a deep gash that definitely should have had stitches and now badly infected. It was infected so bad that his entire penis was red and swollen to twice its usual size.

It only took a moment for Carol to know that James needed medical attention. She gave him one of the pain pills he was after and sent him to lie on the couch.

Carol went to her bedroom to retrieve her phone and made a call to Dr. Marcus's after hours number. She left a message with the answering service for Dr. Marcus to give her a call as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, Carol was on the phone with Dr. Marcus explaining the injury and finding out what time she could bring James in.

Carol yelled down the stairs as she put away her cell phone. "Get up and get dressed Dr. Marcus is going to meet us at her office, in an hour."

"But it's only 5:30 in the morning now," James called back up.

"Yeah, I know. She thinks it could be that serious."

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