Chapter Thirty-four

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't.

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 34


Jessica, in a panic, was having trouble catching her breath as she ran back towards the park. She quickly realized that Converse's with heels, no matter how cute they might be, were not the shoes she needed right now. She now wished she had listened and worn the trainers.

Although she ran as fast as she could in her choice of footwear, the sounds Jessica heard behind her indicated the skaters were on their boards and approaching quickly.

At this point, adrenaline kicked in and she was able to make it four houses down the block before feeling a sharp pain that knocked her off her feet. Something had struck her in the back and she twisted her ankle as she fell face forward into the grass.

Before Jessica could manage to get up, one of the skaters was already off his board and had grabbed each of her ankles. She tried to scream as he began dragging her towards a large group of bushes but her scream was cut short by another boy stuffing his sweaty bandana into her mouth.

Once they had her behind the bushes and out of view from the street, the first boy wrestled with unfastening the three buttons of her button fly jeans. The second boy faced the first and straddled her head. He placed a knee on each of her shoulders to hold her down, pinning her arms to the ground. 

While the first boy was busy trying to slide her pants down to her ankles, she could feel the other one attempting to pleasure himself by grinding his crotch against the top of her head. 

Jessica tried to wiggle and twist as much as possible to keep her pants from being removed but wasn't having much success. Her mind was racing and she was in a full-blown panic thinking about what could happen once these boys saw with their own eyes, the willie between her legs and realized she really was a boy. 

Once they revealed her male identity would they then take photos and post them so everyone in the school would see?  What if they decided to cut her willie off like those boys did to that girl in an episode of law and order: SVU she had seen some time back? Just the thought of that caused her to began shaking uncontrollably.

The first boy had finally managed to get her pants down past her knees, but luckily not her panties, yet. Noticing how much she was shaking he commented to the other boy in a sing-song voice,  "Br-ian, look at how scared she is.  I think someone's a virg---"

The boy didn't get to finish his sentence before a pair of hands wrapped around his shoulders, ripping him off of Jessica. It was the skater-girl, Alex.

"Leave her alone," Alex yelled, looking down at the boy, now lying flat on his back. 

She kicked him in the ribs before dropping to her knees and pinning him to the ground.

"Get off me, b!tch," he screamed back at her as he tried to raise up.

The back and forth struggle continued for a few seconds more before Alex stood up and kicked him in the back of his head.

The shock of the kick to his head caused the boy to involuntarily thrust his right leg straight out. In doing so his foot landed squarely in the center of Jessica's crotch.

The impact was enough that it would have caused someone with descended testicles to double over with a sickening, stomach-turning pain in the pit of their stomach, but of course Jessica, with her undescended testicles felt none of that. What she did feel though was pressure, a stinging burn, and wetness, as blood began to soak the crotch of Jessica's cotton panties.

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