Chapter Twenty

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't
By sabrynabrooklynne



Walking into the living room, James heard a knock at the door. Hurrying to the door, he peered through the peephole to see who it was. His mom had taught him long ago that you never open the door without first knowing who was there.

On the other side of the door stood none other than Mr. Williams.

He slowly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Mr. Williams was taken by surprise, as he had expected to see Carol or someone he thought might be her child.

As best he remembered, she had once told him she had a son. He was also pretty sure he had overheard her talk about a son, on several occasions.

This person answering the door, he recognized as Jessica, but she looked much younger than she had seemed in the photos, and at the restaurant. Looking at her he realized she really was younger than he had previously thought and it was makeup that made the difference in her perceived age.

This is when he decided that maybe he had been wrong about Carol's child being a boy, and maybe this was her offspring, but until now, he had been pretty positive she had told him she had a son.

What he did know for absolutely certain was that she only had one child. It had never occurred to him before now that Jessica could be that child, but with the way Carol was fighting for her to be the face of the new designs, it all made sense now.

"Is your . . . uh, mom . . . at home?" He asked, trying to figure it out, as something in the back of his mind still tried to tell him he was right about Carol having a son and not a daughter, in spite of the evidence before him.

"Yes sir, my mom's in the bedroom changing. Is there something I can do for you?" James asked politely as he had always been taught.

The tall man reminded him of who he was and that they had met at Karyn's 501 Monroe Grill.

"I know who you are."

"Of course you do, could I come inside and talk with you for a few minutes," He asked.

"I guess so," James told him, stepping aside so that he could enter.

Mr. Williams was six foot, six inches tall and weighed well over two-hundred pounds, but this girl showed no fear of him at all.

"So you're Carol's . . . daughter? I didn't even realize that the other night. For some reason, I was sure Carol had said she had a son."

His husky voice carried well into Carol's bedroom and she now stood just inside her door waiting to see how this huge and sometimes intimidating man would treat a young girl. She knew James lacked nothing in courage and could handle himself.

"There's only me. I'm her only child," he stated firmly.

"Well," Mr. Williams replied, "In case I didn't tell you the other night, I want you to know that you are one very pretty young lady."

James uncontrollably blushed and thanked the man as he stood there not offering him a seat. Knowing how his mom had felt about him in the past, James was hoping Mr. Williams wouldn't stay that long.

Having realized that this girl was all of thirteen, fourteen years old at best and not the eighteen that he had previously assumed, the last thing Mr. Williams wanted to do was to make her afraid of him. He got down on one knee so that they were eye-to-eye.

"I brought these for your mom," he stated, as he handed the pretty girl in front of him, the large bunch of roses he was holding. He removed on single rose from the bunch and handed it to James separately.

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