Chapter Nine

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 9


Now, of all things to happen in James' young life, his mom was acting rather strange lately. She would come in from work, quickly have a light dinner with him then go to her sewing room to work on fashion designs up until bedtime, not saying much to James at all. Usually, they would go out to eat every Friday, but they hadn't done that in two weeks now.

Thinking maybe his mom had begun to feel ashamed she had turned her boy into such a girl and this was why she wasn't spending time with him, James hatched a plan.

He decided he would try wearing only the least feminine jeans in his closet, baggy tee shirts, and no makeup at all. Try to look and act as boyish as possible, considering the limited resources at his disposal, and see if anything changed.

So, for the next three days, that's what he wore. He styled his hair in the most masculine style he could, given its length. He even made sure to consciously watch his mannerisms to ensure he was acting as masculine as he could.

What he found was that none of this affected his mom's behavior.

James talked to Rebecca about it and she assured him what he was thinking was not the case. She told him there was no way his mom was having second thoughts. Still, he knew something was wrong.

The next day after his mom left for work, he sat enjoying his morning cup of coffee and began to think long and hard about what could be the problem.

He was about halfway through the cup when something occurred to him. What if it were actually the opposite issue and she might actually be upset with him for not appearing feminine enough.

What if the issue was that she wanted him to appear more feminine and just didn't know how to tell him for fear of pushing him away.

Right then and there James decided that he would try the opposite, appearing as totally feminine as he possibly could.

For the next seven days, he worked on acting and looking as girly as possible. He spent time at Rebecca's house, in his bikini, trying to get as golden bronze as possible. He even started wearing just a little more makeup than before and had Rebecca teaching him nail art, painting his finger and toenails different colors and patterns every day. Yet, regardless of what he did, nothing seemed to change.

Finally, on Friday morning, he told himself he couldn't take it anymore. Standing naked in front of the mirror he decided his tan was about as dark as he figured it was gonna get and so, this day he stayed home.

Instead of soaking up sun rays with Rebecca, he spent hours on the web, soaking up girly knowledge.
He looked at fashion and style sites for anything he could do to refine his feminine look. He studied articles about how to be a super girly-girl. He even read an article titled; "Tips To Turn the Most Masculine Acting Tomboy Into The Most SPELLBINDING Girl In The Room."

By two in the afternoon, he decided he needed to hurry up and get a shower so he could be ready for his mom when she got home.

Taking a long hot shower, he made sure to wash his now nearly shoulder-length hair with an expensive floral scented shampoo and then conditioned it thoroughly.

Once that was done, he wrapped his hair with a towel and walked down the hall to his bedroom. He noticed that his whole body seemed to tingle with excitement. And, why not, for excited he was.

James stood in front of his closet, full of all kinds of pretty feminine jeans, dresses, skirts, and tops that had all either been made by his mom or were samples she brought home from work. He searched for the perfect outfit for his plan.

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