Chapter Thirty-nine

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 39


Once James received that fateful life-changing news, everything began to happen much too quickly for his comfort. Less than four hours after arriving at Dr. Marcus's office, he was being admitted at the hospital.

While his mom filled out paperwork, a nurse showed James to his room and explained that she would return with further instructions once she received a phone call from Dr. Marcus.

James carefully sat down on the edge of the bed in nothing more than a hospital gown and waiting for the nurse to return. When his mom walked in, tears began to flow down both of his cheeks.

He tried to express to his mom how scared he was and how he was in no way ready for the finality of this surgery, but his voice shook and he began to sob so much that conversation was almost impossible.

Carol stood next to James and held him close, his head against her breast. She tried to calm him and assure him that everything would be okay during and after surgery.

She tried to dispel his doubts and fears. She promised to do everything in her power to make him happy and ensure he was comfortable in his new life.

"Sweetheart, the close mother/child relationship we have between us will still be the same after the surgery. Nothing will change. Well, if anything, we might become closer as you began to accept the new you and start to embrace your new life. I also believe that you will eventually come out of all this, stronger, happier, and more confident than you've ever been. At least I hope so."

James lifted his head and looked at his mom,
"I don't know if you're so right mom, after the attack, I knew I didn't want to be a girl, but now, thanks to the attack . . . Well, whether I want it or not, it's happening. I still . . ."

The door to the room opened at that moment, and James stopped, mid-sentence as the nurse returned, pushing a cart.

"Okay James," the nurse began a little too cheery, as she entered, "I have some bad news and some great news." Which you want first?"

"Give me the good news."

"I just got off the phone with doctor Marcus, and your surgery is scheduled for eleven tomorrow morning. It's almost here.  I've never tended to a gender reassignment patient before. Never even heard of one being performed on someone as young as you. This is exciting. I'm so happy for you. So here's the bad news, until then you've gotta be on a total fast. You won't be able to have anything to eat or drink other than ice chips. But don't feel sad, you get to have one more meal before the fast starts. Wait till you see the yummy deliciousness I just brought you from the hospital cafeteria. Since this will be the last thing you get to have, enjoy."

Was she always this chipper, James wondered. I'm about to have a surgery that will change my life forever, turn me into a totally different person, rob me of my manhood completely, against my better wishes. I'll never be the same and she treats it like I've wanted this my whole life.

James pondered this, while the nurse lifted the cover off of the tray of food to reveal soft, limp chicken tenders in cartoon shapes, a side of honey mustard dipping sauce, a couple pieces of wilted iceberg lettuce with a single bruised cherry tomato on top, soggy french fries and a cup of neon green jello that had some kind of mystery fruit suspended in it.

She placed a bendy straw in a carton of orange juice for him and began to prepare a syringe.

"This shot is a powerful drug that will help your body fight the spread of infection until the surgery tomorrow. You're going to feel a little stick . . . There, now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

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