Chapter Thirty-eight

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne

Chapter 38


When Carol and James arrived at Dr. Marcus' office, they only had to wait outside a couple minutes before the doctor arrived and let them in the building. As they took the elevator up to the doctor's office, James briefly explained to her, what had happened.

Once inside an exam room, Dr. Marcus handed James an exam gown and told him that she would be right back.

Dr. Marcus returned after giving James enough time to change into the gown. She took a seat on a short, rolling stool and immediately began asking questions.

"Why did you wait so long to tell someone about your injuries, Jessica? Your mom says this occurred several days ago and she just found out this morning, is that correct?"

"Yes, doctor, that right, and could you please call me James? When the attack happened I was scared and ashamed and I . . . I didn't w-want anyone to know what had happened to me." James struggled to get an answer out, still uncomfortable talking about the attack.

"But you had injuries. You didn't think it would be better to get it looked at instead of waiting?"

"No doc, I just figured it would be okay and would heal on its own and no one would ever have to know anything had happened."

"I'm going to touch you to look at the injury. Let me know if it hurts." Dr. Marcus put on a pair of glasses, lifted the gown and began to examine James with her gloved hands.

While examining him she continued to inquire about that day, "Can you tell me a little more about what happened to you when you were injured, James?"

"Oww, doctor. That's extremely painful there. "

Dr. Marcus glanced over at Carol and then back at James's injuries. She tried to be more gentle with the exam as James struggled to tell her the details of the attack. After a moment she saw something and interrupted him. "James, I need for you to lie down on the exam table and place your feet in these stirrups."

James removed his shoes and did as he had been asked to do, then the doctor took a closer look.

"Carol, he has quite a bit of swelling and a nasty infection. I really wish he would have told us sooner, it's pretty bad . . . It looks like there's something in it."

Dr. Marcus picked up a pair of medical tweezers and turned back to James. She then held the deep gash apart with one hand and used the tweezers to remove something from the site.

She took a closer look at the item then placed it in a plastic pan on the tray next to her.

Carol, quite curious as to what it was, leaned in to discover it was an inch long piece of brown glass. "Is that a broken piece of a beer bottle?" she wondered aloud.

"It must have been embedded in the bottom of the attackers' shoe," Dr. Marcus offered as she put down the tweezers and removed her glasses. "It's was pretty deep."

"Am I going to be okay now?" James nervously asked.

Dr. Marcus let out an almost undetectable sigh. "The cut that you sustained at the base of your penis," she began to explain as she cleaned the wound. "This is quite severe. Had it been any deeper it would have severed the urethra, the tube that runs through the center of the penis and carries pee. If that had happened," she looked back at James, "you would have had no choice but to sit to pee. It also very narrowly missed severing the nerve that runs up the bottom side of your penis. Had this happened you would have lost all ability to ever experience sexual sensation. Your penis would have been all but useless then."

"So it's good news that didn't happen," James exclaimed. This sounded like good news to him.

"How long will it take to heal, doc?" James asked excitedly, thinking that all was going to be okay.

Little did he know that Dr. Marcus wasn't done explaining yet.

"James, I'm afraid it isn't that simple. If you had come in right after the incident it might have been, but because you waited several days, infection set in. From the looks of it, there was some kind of bacteria on the piece of glass. Most of the spongy tissue that makes up the inside of your penis is infected. You are going to need surgery to remove all of the infected tissue. If we don't it will continue to spread."

Carol, who up until this point, had been quietly listening to the doctor and trying to figure out what all of this would mean for James, could no longer stay silent, "So what are you saying, doctor? What's this mean for James? Are you saying you have to take his penis? "

"Well now, Carol, I didn't say that, but here's what we're looking at. Once I get in there and determine how much tissue is gonna have to be removed, I will have a better idea but it looks like it will end up making his penis less than half the size it is now---"

"No!" James interrupted, pleading with Dr. Marcus. "There's got to be some other way. Some medicine you can give me to kill the infection or something. Please doc, please. Anything, just don't take my penis! Please doctor."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that, James. If we don't remove the infected tissue the infection will continue to spread."

"But doc," James continued to plead. "I've made my decision. I don't want to be an object of no boy's sexual desires. I don't want to ever be in the position of being attacked like that again just because someone else finds me pretty. I want to live the rest of my life as a boy. You said I had a choice. That's my choice."

"James," Dr. Marcus began as she tried to calm him down.

She took his hands and held them in hers. "You don't have much of a choice now. You made your decision when you decided to not tell anyone about your injuries. You are now left with living a depressing, heartbreaking, difficult and sexless life as a boy without much of a penis, or the chance at a happy, fulfilled life as a female with a normal, healthy sex life. Those are the only two choices you now have. And as far as your fear of being attacked again goes, that's a possibility all girls face, but you don't have to let it rule your life. I would suggest that you come to terms with this now and then you can work through it further, with Dr. Cammibal."

Dr. Marcus could see that James was quite upset at what he was hearing.

"How soon will surgery need to occur?" Carol asked.

"He needs to be admitted to the hospital today. The infected tissue has to be removed immediately."

James, who hadn't said much until now, finally broke his silence. In a quiet, hesitant voice, well aware this was his only choice, he asked, "W-what about the other surgery? When would it b-be done?"

"Once we are sure all the infection has been removed and before everything has a chance to heal up, --I'd say gender surgery could be performed while we're in the operating room. Now, like I said, you don't have to go through the gender surgery, but I want you to fully understand the situation you will be in if you don't and how that will affect the rest of your life. In addition to your already small penis becoming even smaller, post surgery you will probably never achieve another erection again either."

As James listened to Dr. Marcus, tears began to trickle down his face. He knew this was it. The decision was made and his future determined. Turning towards his mom, with defeat in his voice he uttered, "Well mom, it looks like today you get your wish."

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