Chapter Eight

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't

by SabrynaBrooklynne



Once they were inside the house, Rebecca slid a plate of cookies that she and her mom had baked the night before, across the kitchen counter, towards James.

James took one small cookie as he hopped up on a stool in front of the breakfast counter and watched Rebecca prepare two glasses of delicious looking pink lemonade over ice.

"So, I haven't seen you all week. What'cha been up to," Rebecca asked James as she slid a glass of lemonade towards him.

"Not a whole lot. I spent most of the week playing a game on my new computer. I'm getting pretty far too."

"Get your pictures back from the studio yet?"

"Yeah, we actually picked them up yesterday."

"Soooooo? How did they turn out? I want to see them."

"Well . . . There's definitely no trace of James in them. I'll bring them by next time I come over. . . Oh, let me tell you 'bout the trip to pick'um up."

"Please do," Rebecca excitedly responded as she took a seat on a stool on the opposite side of the bar from James.

"Okay, so we went by the mall to pick them up and mom wanted me to go in with her, but I wasn't about to, so I stayed in the car. . ."

"Wait, why not?"

"Um, hello? The same boys from before might have been in there and probably would have figured things out. It's a good thing I didn't either, 'cause just as mom walked out, they walked in and actually held the door for her. Now imagine if I had been with her."

"Yeah, good call. I guess that could have turned out bad."

"Riiiight? I know! Okay, so when mom got back to the car, she had tears in her eyes. I asked her about it and she said it was because she was so happy. . . I don't think I ever told you, but when I was born, momma had always wanted a daughter, so as I was growing up I was well aware of her desire and that she never would after dad was killed in Afghanistan. So, because of that, she told me that it was one of the sweetest gifts I had ever given her, by letting her take those photos like that."

"Awww, that was sweet of you to do that for her."

"She also said it was probably the closest she would ever come to having a real daughter and that I made her real proud."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Slightly uncomfortable but actually very proud of myself that I was able to make her that happy."

"Okay, and did that make you think you might want to be her daughter all the time?"

"That's the one thing I don't know, yet. I'm pretty sure I like being a boy, but . . ."

"But? But what? Go on."

"Well, after we got home from the mall last Saturday I didn't change clothes right away. I kept them on 'till bedtime."

"Really?!?" This surprised Rebecca and she responded with disbelief. "No way."

"Yeah, really."

"Wow, I like it. What did your mom say about that?"

"She didn't really say anything. She just acted like it was normal."

"Cool! So you liked wearing a dress? Sounds like you liked it a lot. I see you are keeping your piercings open too. That's some really cute black and yellow Batman studs you got in. I really like them. They match your suit won-differ-les-ly."

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